“Codswallop” is one of those interesting words that might have been used by Supreme Court justice Anton Scalia in a dissenting opinion, or by conservative intellectual William F. Buckley in describing some liberal policy.
It’s a British expression that refers to words or ideas that are foolish or untrue, in other words, nonsense.
While codswallop is a good description of the entire Democrat agenda, today I will restrict its use to the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, media fearmongering, and resulting public panic.“
“It turns out the President was correct. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Admiral Brett Giroir declared, "The best estimates now of the overall mortality rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.1% and 1%."
For comparison, the fatality rate for the seasonal flu is 0.1%. The coronavirus fatality rate is likely similar to the 0.1-1% figure is based on confirmed cases. How many individuals have a normal cold, when in reality they have coronavirus, and recover after a week? Meaning that far more are infected but are unreported as their infection is a nonevent, making the fatality rate lower than reported.
Look also at past viral illnesses, far more lethal than coronavirus. The fatality rate for MERS and SARS was 34.4 and 9.5% respectively. Neither illness generated as much media hysteria as coronavirus.
Swine flu, also known as H1N1, happened on Obama’s watch. With over 60 million cases in the U.S., and over 12,000 deaths, where was the vitriol hurled at Obama, compared to what we are seeing directed toward Trump?
Another number ignored by the media is the number of cases of coronavirus per capita. The U.S. rate is obviously far lower than China, South Korea, and Japan, but also lower than Italy, France, Germany, and Spain.
President Trump’s decisive actions, again contrary to media reporting, are responsible for keeping U.S. numbers down due to his travel ban.
For additional perspective, heart disease kills 1774 persons a day, cancer 1641, accidents 466, and strokes 401 per day. A recent tornado in Tennessee claimed 24 lives, almost twice the number of Americans who died from coronavirus thus far.
Some other numbers offer perspective. Americans die each year from unusual causes. 160 die each year from autoerotic asphyxiation, 67 are victims of serial killers, 986 are killed by police, 75 from lawnmowers, 31 struck by lightning, and one American dies each year being trampled on Black Friday.
I haven’t heard any media angst over lawnmowers or auto-erotica. Medical errors are also far more dangerous than any viral epidemic. From 250,000 to 400,000 Americans die each year from medical errors, the third most common cause of death in the U.S. What would happen if Bernie Sanders got his wish and government was in charge of all of healthcare?”
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I was on two flights last week. Will be on 3 separate legs this week, the same ones next week.
Flights are cheap right now. Put your money where your mouth is.
And the buying opportunities today! Did Bernie become President or something?
How is it back there in coach?
Please specifically identify the stupid shit in my post ADHD. Yo were always one to shoot your ignorant mouth off without being able to back it up.
You never could handle logic or the truth ADHD.
What is stupid shit in this ADHD?
You can’t respond with any logic, just your usual inane blathering. You have always been a moron progressive alarmist that is full of crap.
None are so blind as those that will not see.
The motive behind this hysteria is obvious. If this were Oboner you would be singing a different tune you pathetic hypocrite.
Yet here he is now rooting for people to be sick because he dislikes the president.
Soros hasn't run his full scam yet.
Leave the finance game to the big boys.