While I acknowledge that it is tragic people are dying in the US due to the COVID-19 virus, what I'm seeing is that the media and political outcry in the US is very targeted at creating fear with the outcome being to impact our strong US economy - something that weakens our president's biggest strength heading into the election. Weakening and/or Removing the current president has been the goal of the libs and the media since 2016. Coincidence? I think not.
Contrast what is happening now in terms of media and political rhetoric with the H1N1 outbreak and you have plenty to be suspicious about.
"As of mid-March 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that about 59 million Americans contracted the H1N1 virus, 265,000 were hospitalized as a result, and 12,000 died."
I hardly remember it...neither did the stock market...
It's almost like February 2009 was in a period immediately following the biggest global recession in 80 years. Shocking that stocks rebounded in the 14 subsequent months.
I'm finding it difficult to keep up with these half-baked points you're trying to make. Why don't you just come out and say it that you think the entire global economy and political apparatus is in cahoots against Trump? You won't even sound that crazy, 3/4 of the Tug will be right there with you.
So nothing about the rest of the global media or governments that are reacting the same way?
Why don't you bring something to the table for the conversation? I am talking about the US at this point. I would agree that Italy and China's reactions seem appropriate.
There's nothing to "bring" to this conversation, because it takes less than 5 seconds to spot the bullshit. I'll keep it short.
You're talking about the U.S. as if it exists in a vacuum. Your point that the U.S. is overreacting due to liberal/media orchestrated hysteria is nonsense when nothing with America's behavior is inconsistent with the rest of the world.
Who knows? But when I hear these theories, I always wonder: how can a group of people led by the band of retards marched out to oppose Trump be that good? I mean, it takes a fair amount of work to conspire and control as many things as you are saying are being controlled. Or is it really that easy to get everyone in the media, the medical community, the government, etc. etc. to buy into this plan to do all this shit just to tank the market? I don't know. Sounds far fetched.
Does the media act like an 8th grade girl every time they hear something and often make it into a bigger deal than it is? Sure.gif.
But this kind of Alex Jones spin on things just doesn't seem plausible to me. YMMV.
The facts so far are that most people who contract it will suffer little if any symptoms. The elderly who contract it, particularly those with underlying health issues, are at risk of developing a lower respiratory infection that may become fatal.
It’s a serious health issue that deserves some attention, but the freak out so far is unwarranted. Not trying to trivialize it. If you’re in a high risk group you should be very cautious. For most people, following CDC recommendations for cold and flu prevention are probably adequate. In all likelihood, the number of infected is much greater than the number reported. Similarly it is likely that there are a great number of unreported who have recovered thinking they had a common cold. The freak out is being driven by media’s focus on fatal cases and death rates that will drop as testing expands. Draw your own conclusions regarding their motives.
I’ll always wonder how this would have been handled if ground zero in the US wasn’t an elder care facility where they were high risk to begin with. The fatalities are the absolute minority and when you look at actual chances of transmitting, even if you live in the same house as a positive test, it seems like even less need for hysteria. Those chances are apparently 10%, btw.
You're talking about the U.S. as if it exists in a vacuum. Your point that the U.S. is overreacting due to liberal/media orchestrated hysteria is nonsense when nothing with America's behavior is inconsistent with the rest of the world.
Israel quarantining anyone entering the country for 14 days entering from anywhere.
Sure are a lot of people in on this conspiracy against Dear Leader...
Does the media act like an 8th grade girl every time they hear something and often make it into a bigger deal than it is? Sure.gif.
But this kind of Alex Jones spin on things just doesn't seem plausible to me. YMMV.