Or Mrs. Worf? Moochelle hates my white guts and blames me for her student debt. And a gun or two. Don't believe in asymmetrical warfare. She hate on me, I hate on her. Works for Orange bad man, works for me. Mittens can curl in the corner after his beating and lick his dom's feet.
But black people are nuanced and diverse in their thoughts on politics. Didn't you know that Bob?
FFS. Historical fact is a rats least favorite thing.
Odd because Jarrett seems to think the only thing of importance is getting the skin color and the gender right for the eventual nominee for VP.
No doubt this is another example of my obsession with race. We’re not supposed to talk about such things.
Biden is going to win so they don't need to pay attention to the black vote anymore. The party knows for certain they have that in the bag and they can quit sucking dick there. Getting a female on the ticket would be smart but she doesn't need to be black like the talking heads hope. Again, Biden is the guy so they can quit worrying about the black vote. The focus now will be 100% on getting the Bernie vote out for Biden. They know that is how they can beat Trump.
After all this time and all the bluster and talk about diversity, the dem nominee is going to be an old racist white guy who isn't all that intelligent. How predictable and yet somehow ironic.
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
"I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace—someone who's not afraid to stand up and offend people "
"I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats — and some of you won't like it — I voted for 700 miles of fence"
"“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
And just for fun, one of my favorite biden fuckups:
"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S."
I believe AOC is 29. You have to be 35 to be President or VP.
That was their best hope. The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed and not turn out for Biden. And I do not see Bernie accepting the VP role. Maybe Biden's best strategy is Warren. She is a great fake Indian and Progressive.
I believe AOC is 29. You have to be 35 to be President or VP.
That was their best hope. The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed and not turn out for Biden. And I do not see Bernie accepting the VP role. Maybe Biden's best strategy is Warren. She is a great fake Indian and Progressive.
I believe AOC is 29. You have to be 35 to be President or VP.
That was their best hope. The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed and not turn out for Biden. And I do not see Bernie accepting the VP role. Maybe Biden's best strategy is Warren. She is a great fake Indian and Progressive.
I believe AOC is 29. You have to be 35 to be President or VP.
That was their best hope. The Bernie Bros are going to be pissed and not turn out for Biden. And I do not see Bernie accepting the VP role. Maybe Biden's best strategy is Warren. She is a great fake Indian and Progressive.
Black woman. Stacey Abrams
Holy shit. I got Stacey Abrams confused with Traci Bingham.
FFS. Historical fact is a rats least favorite thing.
No doubt this is another example of my obsession with race. We’re not supposed to talk about such things.
After all this time and all the bluster and talk about diversity, the dem nominee is going to be an old racist white guy who isn't all that intelligent. How predictable and yet somehow ironic.
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
"I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace—someone who's not afraid to stand up and offend people "
"I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats — and some of you won't like it — I voted for 700 miles of fence"
"“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
And just for fun, one of my favorite biden fuckups:
"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S."
Holy shit. I got Stacey Abrams confused with Traci Bingham.
Boner kill.