When listening to their BDTW pod with Wilbur, the only one I constantly wanted to shut the fuck up was Chest
Yeah, he's awful. He tries way too hard to be funny
Waste of fucking time. To think these idiots are under the impression anyone gives a shit what they have to say is absurd.
I don’t disagree, but it’s a touch ironic for a guy with over 22,000 posts.
Make no mistake, it’s quite clear to me no one gives a shit what I have to say. Which is why I post on an anonymous message and don’t fancy myself as someone people will go through the effort of listening to on a fucking podcast.
When listening to their BDTW pod with Wilbur, the only one I constantly wanted to shut the fuck up was Chest
Yeah, he's awful. He tries way too hard to be funny
Waste of fucking time. To think these idiots are under the impression anyone gives a shit what they have to say is absurd.
I don’t disagree, but it’s a touch ironic for a guy with over 22,000 posts.
Make no mistake, it’s quite clear to me no one gives a shit what I have to say. Which is why I post on an anonymous message and don’t fancy myself as someone people will go through the effort of listening to on a fucking podcast.
I'd drink a beer with you IRL @MikeDamone but you're too much of a nancy to show.
Sub K
The field
Lil Jimmy
Can't argue with that, quite honestly.
But you gotta at least throw the home team a bone and get @Baseman in that top tier somewhere.