This is just fucking awful, which meets all Cuog expectations. All who contributed should get the Mo Greene treatment.
I'm sure this is being liked, loved and retweeted by every Coug student, alum and especially the largest Coug contingent, the WSU Dropouts. (Spokane's basements are full of them.)
This, right here, is what loses Apple Cups. May it go on forever.
I gave you a chin because I can never get enough of that video, but... Nah, bra, these two videos couldn't be more dissimilar.
Cougar football Saturday unapologetically owns everything that makes the Cougs (not Coogz or Cuog, take note) who they are. Tiny shitty stadium in the middle of fucking nowhere with some goober in a duster yalping at you to come on down and have some alcohol fueled fun after a hayride. To their credit, they are wildly successful at fulfilling that promise.
The Cougfather is pure Cuog, little brother syndrome exactly 30 years later, self delusion about who they are and what they offer, and making fools of themselves in failing at it. At these times they are a truly embarrassing fanbase. They are not, have not been, and will not/cannot ever be cool or trendy; the best they can do is lean into their niche and own it.
Cougar football Saturday is what made being a Coog tempting when I was growing up in Cheney. The Cougfather was why it was strictly impossible.
I'm sure this is being liked, loved and retweeted by every Coug student, alum and especially the largest Coug contingent, the WSU Dropouts. (Spokane's basements are full of them.)
This, right here, is what loses Apple Cups. May it go on forever.
Cougar football Saturday unapologetically owns everything that makes the Cougs (not Coogz or Cuog, take note) who they are. Tiny shitty stadium in the middle of fucking nowhere with some goober in a duster yalping at you to come on down and have some alcohol fueled fun after a hayride. To their credit, they are wildly successful at fulfilling that promise.
The Cougfather is pure Cuog, little brother syndrome exactly 30 years later, self delusion about who they are and what they offer, and making fools of themselves in failing at it. At these times they are a truly embarrassing fanbase. They are not, have not been, and will not/cannot ever be cool or trendy; the best they can do is lean into their niche and own it.
Cougar football Saturday is what made being a Coog tempting when I was growing up in Cheney. The Cougfather was why it was strictly impossible.
4 wins season 1
Word is that Gerberding hated the poster.