Yeah. I remember arguing with many leftists who claimed the sky was falling over net neutrality. Many here even. Reminder me of the peak oil freak out and the virus de jour
Yeah. I remember arguing with many leftists who claimed the sky was falling over net neutrality. Many here even. Reminder me of the peak oil freak out and the virus de jour
Tommy kept telling us we didn't get it whatever it was
Yeah. I remember arguing with many leftists who claimed the sky was falling over net neutrality. Many here even. Reminder me of the peak oil freak out and the virus de jour
Tommy kept telling us we didn't get it whatever it was
Scotty was another big hair on fire, net neutrality, chicken little.
Yeah. I remember arguing with many leftists who claimed the sky was falling over net neutrality. Many here even. Reminder me of the peak oil freak out and the virus de jour
Tommy kept telling us we didn't get it whatever it was
I still don't get it. I oppose the abolition of net neutrality on principle, as I do with similar proposals for all other "public" utilities, and Ajit Pai sounds like a dipshit every time he talks. He also has a stupid fucking name.
But my internet works fine. Maybe someone more technical can explain the finer points. I don't give a shit as long as everything works.
But my internet works fine. Maybe someone more technical can explain the finer points. I don't give a shit as long as everything works.