Everyone already made a pact weeks ago to ignore everything he said. It got so pathetic that he couldn't even garner down votes. The only thing worse than hatred is apathy.
Everyone already made a pact weeks ago to ignore everything he said. It got so pathetic that he couldn't even garner down votes. The only thing worse than hatred is apathy.
Moral of the story: if you’re gonna be the most hated poster in HH history, at least, buy a round of beer. A Wam badge would have gone a long way.
Also this. If you want to be a paid Soros plant that is annoying 24/7, fine. No problems. But ponying up $129 per every year no questions asked would go a long way to ensuring your survival in a world where everyone thinks you are an idiot.
Or maybe Yousef
It doesn't matter. Just enjoy the peace.
I won. And the board won.