Virtual dead heat with Sanders? What am I missing here? How does he appeal to the blues and reds?
I don't buy it.
Homo guilt.
It's the new white guilt for woke progressives.
Buchanan was a peter puffer. We’ve already done this before.
Jame Buchanan was thought to have diddled William Rufus King who was the 13th Vice President of the US.
Fuck - I thought you were talking about Pat Buchanan.
Maybe he liked the dick, too. Not sure.
Irregardless, dick-sucking proclivities have no place in determining who shall be elected POTUS. Unless it's #Ivanka2020, and then I'm cool with dick-sucking. And armpits and anal. brb,yo.
He ticks every one of the far left boxes. Statehood for DC? Packing the Supreme Court? Open borders? Raise taxes? Ban guns? Short of calling for the extermination of white people and the confiscation of their property, there really is not much room remaining to the left of him.
Here is a revealing interview he did with some fire-breathing lefties, the sort of people who find Sanders to be not leftist enough. They liked Buttygig, because he's the type who thinks that the Obama era was an example of conservatism.
"I think we’re at a moment of tectonic change in where this country is headed. The 30 or 40-year era of conservatism that both Democrats and Republicans have operated in for most of my lifetime has come to an end."
Oysteria Severn • 9 minutes ago
That pretty much sums up Ol' Pete. Conservatism; economically prudent, safe borders, pro-life, smaller government, anti-communist, anti-socialist ... yep! Those days are over! We will open the borders, spend like a drunken sailor (not that we haven’t been), abort more babies, grow the government (not that we haven’t been), and and validate our communist and socialist comrades.
Virtual dead heat with Sanders? What am I missing here? How does he appeal to the blues and reds?
I don't buy it.
Homo guilt.
It's the new white guilt for woke progressives.
Buchanan was a peter puffer. We’ve already done this before.
Jame Buchanan was thought to have diddled William Rufus King who was the 13th Vice President of the US.
"......Andrew Jackson called King "Miss Nancy" and prominent Democrat Aaron V. Brown referred to King as Buchanan's "better half," "wife" and "Aunt Fancy" (the last being a 19th-century euphemism for an effeminate man). ...... Sociologist Loewen noted that "wags" described Buchanan and King as "Siamese twins," ........" - Der Vikipedia
Maybe he liked the dick, too. Not sure.
Irregardless, dick-sucking proclivities have no place in determining who shall be elected POTUS. Unless it's #Ivanka2020, and then I'm cool with dick-sucking. And armpits and anal. brb,yo.
Severn • 28 minutes ago
Yes. And there should be nothing secret about it.
He ticks every one of the far left boxes. Statehood for DC? Packing the Supreme Court? Open borders? Raise taxes? Ban guns? Short of calling for the extermination of white people and the confiscation of their property, there really is not much room remaining to the left of him.
Here is a revealing interview he did with some fire-breathing lefties, the sort of people who find Sanders to be not leftist enough. They liked Buttygig, because he's the type who thinks that the Obama era was an example of conservatism.
"I think we’re at a moment of tectonic change in where this country is headed. The 30 or 40-year era of conservatism that both Democrats and Republicans have operated in for most of my lifetime has come to an end."
Oysteria Severn • 9 minutes ago
That pretty much sums up Ol' Pete. Conservatism; economically prudent, safe borders, pro-life, smaller government, anti-communist, anti-socialist ... yep! Those days are over! We will open the borders, spend like a drunken sailor (not that we haven’t been), abort more babies, grow the government (not that we haven’t been), and and validate our communist and socialist comrades.