Damn. Good showing by Klobuchar. She’s more or less eliminated Warren and maybe Joe too. A 3 horse Pete, Bern. Klobuchar race could be interesting. Klobuchar is dangerous right now.
Damn. Good showing by Klobuchar. She’s more or less eliminated Warren and maybe Joe too. A 3 horse Pete, Bern. Klobuchar race could be interesting. Klobuchar is dangerous right now.
Historically, Presidential candidates from Minnesota, how shall we say this.....get their asses kicked.
How long until Trump gives her a nickname like "Horseface Amy," "Crooked Face Amy," or "Butt-ugly Amy"? She's earned a nickname with her showing.
He should play it close to the vest and traditional with her. The typical Trump name call wouldn’t be wise with Klobuchar. This is Trumps dream scenario if He plays it right. You’ve got the Old white man Bern, a gay and a woman. Let them tear themselves apart with the ID politics that they are so well known for.
Damn. Good showing by Klobuchar. She’s more or less eliminated Warren and maybe Joe too. A 3 horse Pete, Bern. Klobuchar race could be interesting. Klobuchar is dangerous right now.
Historically, Presidential candidates from Minnesota, how shall we say this.....get their asses kicked.
Just like the Vikings in the playoffs. Or really any meaningful game that the Saints aren’t in.
Bloomberg is still out there ... but he has plenty of skeletons
Let’s see how Amy reacts when the bullseye is on her back in a debate
Klobuchar is a horrible human being. She treats people like shit while acting as if she is royalty that needs to be doted on. The perfect rat. Everyone must suffer but her.
Those stories will now start coming out and it will take some bloom off of her rose. I really want to hear from the people she treated horribly when they worked for her and when they quit to take other jobs AK called their new employers and tried to get them fired. Or the employee who was berated in public when she forgot to carry on AK's eating utensils and then had to sit next to the crack when she ate her dinner with her comb.
Damn. Good showing by Klobuchar. She’s more or less eliminated Warren and maybe Joe too. A 3 horse Pete, Bern. Klobuchar race could be interesting. Klobuchar is dangerous right now.
Some (including me) believe pete and amy are in their positions because of the self destruction of fauxchohontas and the corrupt biden. Warren keeps lying and is an annoying presence on stage and many people did not know that biden was corrupt, but they do now. Throw in bidens clear lack of interest and horrible stump stops with non-stop gaffes and he has just worn out his welcome.
In other words, no one knows shit about Pete or Amy yet. Democrats are voting on the woman and the pillow biter to make themselves FEEL WOKE and because of warren and bidens expulsion. They soon will learn more about AK and the animal she is and Pete who fucked up a town who's total population couldn't fill OSU's Horseshoe Stadium.
He's flush.
Historically, Presidential candidates from Minnesota, how shall we say this.....get their asses kicked.
Let’s see how Amy reacts when the bullseye is on her back in a debate
Those stories will now start coming out and it will take some bloom off of her rose. I really want to hear from the people she treated horribly when they worked for her and when they quit to take other jobs AK called their new employers and tried to get them fired. Or the employee who was berated in public when she forgot to carry on AK's eating utensils and then had to sit next to the crack when she ate her dinner with her comb.
This lady is psycho and an elitist pig.
In other words, no one knows shit about Pete or Amy yet. Democrats are voting on the woman and the pillow biter to make themselves FEEL WOKE and because of warren and bidens expulsion. They soon will learn more about AK and the animal she is and Pete who fucked up a town who's total population couldn't fill OSU's Horseshoe Stadium.
Its going to get interesting.