Hard to believe that still goes on. I expect it is FAR more the exception than the rule, and it doesn't help the average white guy that's for sure. If anything, it makes life harder for the rest of us? because "you see!"
A couple of comments. West Linn for some reason has a history of crappy government. They had a huge scandal where they had a their financial controller stealing a million dollar and getting the city council to approve no required audits. Toss in no audits of public employees expense accounts. Their police situation has been an embarrassment for decades. They spend most of their time writing speeding tickets for intentionally slow speed zones, parking the wrong way while on a residential street while picking up your mail from the community mail box, talking on your cell phone, seat belt violations, etc. They have had problems getting their budget approved by voters for these reasons. PS Never got a ticket in West Linn.
But you can read the article and really no punishment was was issued to the police union members and their management. Just validation that government unions should be banned. Police are entitled because they feel entitled and their is a real lack of supervision. You would think that if you were going to be a police officer, you would find a place like West Linn and thank the lord you weren't a Portland police officer. Best and brightest and all of that. But, unionized government doesn't work like that.
Hard to believe that still goes on. I expect it is FAR more the exception than the rule, and it doesn't help the average white guy that's for sure. If anything, it makes life harder for the rest of us? because "you see!"
But you can read the article and really no punishment was was issued to the police union members and their management. Just validation that government unions should be banned. Police are entitled because they feel entitled and their is a real lack of supervision. You would think that if you were going to be a police officer, you would find a place like West Linn and thank the lord you weren't a Portland police officer. Best and brightest and all of that. But, unionized government doesn't work like that.