I said I'll hold my nose but I'm somewhere between 2 and 3. I think he's been largely effective but I have competing thoughts too, none of which I'm going to add to this post because Tug.
Ride it in the Tug, I'd like to read it. Re LIPO, you've got 3 years of data, I find this take curious. You too @YellowSnow, you've also mentioned LIPO. Get riding!
Pretty simple. I've made my views clear, unpopular in the Tug as some of them may be. I'm a moderate, leaning right. I'm a free market person and I believe down in my bones that that is the best system by which to manage our affairs. I supported Trump's stance on China from the beginning - it's documented on HCH for history - because free trade works best with, you know, free traders. Tax policy lines up. I support his stance on getting us the fuck out of all of the miserable and backwards dark corners of the globe. I'm not anti-gun, I think it's a right and even if I were anti-gun I'd think gun control would be a giant waste of time and entirely impractical. OTOH, I'm not the protectionist you need to be to get the prom queen in the Tug, and my view on immigration - which is part of the free market piece - has been discussed more than once. And there are some other less important things where I pull away from Trump on the margin. Entertaining the pro-life crowd is not in my wheelhouse.
All in all, I'd say I'm where a lot of people here are. Trump is a weird guy, but overall, as I said, he's been pretty effective. And sure as fuck there's not even a mental pulse for an alternative, so I'd be either Trump or be too busy to vote.
This is why you're one of my favorite adults in the room. Unapologetic but rational and steady(when you aren't picking on the retards) We might disagree but you'll hear me out and we can have a real discussion.
Too bad you're just a prop for the right and an enemy of POC everywhere.
Too bad you're just a prop for the right and an enemy of POC everywhere.