The fix is in. They are going to prevent Bernie from being able to win this thing. The liberal elites will choose who is going to win, not the voters. Nice party rats.
The fix is in. They are going to prevent Bernie from being able to win this thing. The liberal elites will choose who is going to win, not the voters. Nice party rats.
While the republicans are canceling primaries? Come on, man.
At any rate, I agree in principle. The dems have only the illusion of a fair primary and anyone donating to an individual candidate probably deserves that they get when the knife comes for Bernie and Lizzie.
I cared as much then as I care now, so no. Just making sport of ruining Atl’s fun as usual.
Mittens got my vote in 2012, so I could have gave a shit what the rat party did.
Cancelling primaries because there is no one running is not exactly the same thing now is it? Nice try at equivalency but a fail none the less. Having primaries for the sake of spending money on nothing is stupid.
For those that aren't aware the fix was in against Bernie and for The Bitch in 2016 as well.
At any rate, I agree in principle. The dems have only the illusion of a fair primary and anyone donating to an individual candidate probably deserves that they get when the knife comes for Bernie and Lizzie.
It's just the same only really different
But even when we agree, I can’t let that level of unintended irony go.
Mittens got my vote in 2012, so I could have gave a shit what the rat party did.
For those that aren't aware the fix was in against Bernie and for The Bitch in 2016 as well.