Stop and frisk worked. It wasn't racist. People did like it
It was "racist" in the sense that the overwhelming amount of gun violence and crime in NYC was/is committed by "Props" and because the police weren't stopping and frisking 60 year old Asian women and 50 year old white guys at the same rate they were stopping and frisking young black males it was a "racist" policy. That single action did more to save black lives and reduce crime than anything any liberal ever did to "help" black people.
Stop and frisk worked. It wasn't racist. People did like it
It was "racist" in the sense that the overwhelming amount of gun violence and crime in NYC was/is committed by "Props" and because the police weren't stopping and frisking 60 year old Asian women and 50 year old white guys at the same rate they were stopping and frisking young black males it was a "racist" policy. That single action did more to save black lives and reduce crime than anything any liberal ever did to "help" black people.
I know it's counter intuitive but the participation rate in the crime they are trying to stop is rather lopsided.