What Pac12 player will want to risk his knees against triple option cut blocks?
What fan of a 6-6 Pac-12 team is going to spend thousands of dollars traveling to Shreveport, LA to watch their team who will be without their top 3-4 players that will sit out to avoid knee injury from triple option cut blocks?
What Pac12 player will want to risk his knees against triple option cut blocks?
What fan of a 6-6 Pac-12 team is going to spend thousands of dollars traveling to Shreveport, LA to watch their team who will be without their top 3-4 players that will sit out to avoid knee injury from triple option cut blocks?
What Pac12 player will want to risk his knees against triple option cut blocks?
What fan of a 6-6 Pac-12 team is going to spend thousands of dollars traveling to Shreveport, LA to watch their team who will be without their top 3-4 players that will sit out to avoid knee injury from triple option cut blocks?
What Pac12 player will want to risk his knees against triple option cut blocks?
What fan of a 6-6 Pac-12 team is going to spend thousands of dollars traveling to Shreveport, LA to watch their team who will be without their top 3-4 players that will sit out to avoid knee injury from triple option cut blocks?
Larry Scott must have dirty pictures of five presidents getting dildoed by trannies or something. Oh wait, it's the West Coast so that's encouraged. He has to have dirt on a lot of powerful types though.
What Pac12 player will want to risk his knees against triple option cut blocks?
LarryFS finally got his invite to the group of SIX!!
Larry Scott has the Pac 12 positioned to fill the gap there
Thinking three steps ahead that Larry