I used to pay for DM. Once I realized that all they give a fuck about is access - yet dont have the balls to admit it - I cancelled. And I agree that having to call in order to cancel is total bullshit... fucktards at HHB > fucktards at doogman.
Neither for me. I was over at UWdoogpound arguing with Gekko Mojo douchebag himself after the ASU plungering in 2013, when a poster referenced this place and it's "group of 20 loser frat boys." So of course I immediately jumped ship to here.
Never paid. Free board way back to the late 90's moving to CA from Seattle. I'm pretty anti-pay anything in terms of online. Especially with plethora of great free options in the entire reason the Internet was invented/succeeded.
Never paid, lurked on the free board and posted a little just to irritate Kim. Banned a couple times but no death penalty until I replied to a more retarded than usual KimVashonFS post sarcastically complimenting her on her non existent singing skills. No warning, just gone.
Never paid, lurked on the free board and posted a little just to irritate Kim. Banned a couple times but no death penalty until I replied to a more retarded than usual KimVashonFS post sarcastically complimenting her on her non existent singing skills. No warning, just gone.
I post there all the time. Never said I didnt. Said "I didnt pay". Big difference from 3/4ths of you buttsniffers of Kim who lead seperate lives. Its a soap opera with you lifeless fannyflamers.
Never paid, lurked on the free board and posted a little just to irritate Kim. Banned a couple times but no death penalty until I replied to a more retarded than usual KimVashonFS post sarcastically complimenting her on her non existent singing skills. No warning, just gone.
Hey J. You only come out the woodwork when I post. However your butthurtness doesnt just come from my posts. Im just that poor-timed and painful extra thrust that put an end to your night.
Hey J. You only come out the woodwork when I post. However your butthurtness doesnt just come from my posts. Im just that poor-timed and painful extra thrust that put an end to your night.