I don't trust Roberts. Remember he is the one who gave us the disaster that is BO care. This thing ain't over but when it is, when that final gavel comes down and the rats lose (like they deserve to), I will be watching every single rat MSM channel. FOX News will never grace my screen that day. I will be wearing that remote out. I don't want to miss one second of the rat melt down over not successfully taking away my 2016 vote. I want to see their misery, their screaming, the tears, the promises of violence and anarchy, the gnashing of teeth and pounding of the fists. There is nothing more sweet that watching the rats lose something that they so counted on. Something they have been planning since before Trump even took office.
Like I said, this thing isn't over until it is over, but I will enjoy every fucking minute of the rat immature melt down when it is. Lets hope they all look like that obvious fake and contrived rat asshole in the video above. It would make my fucking day.
It’s odd that it would affect you that much either way.
Collins just said she would vote for more witnesses but Lamar Alexander said he wouldn’t. Even if both Murkowski AND Romney voted for more witnesses the motion would fail. This should wind up pretty quickly.
Romney has turned into a sanctimonious piece of shit.
Collins just said she would vote for more witnesses but Lamar Alexander said he wouldn’t. Even if both Murkowski AND Romney voted for more witnesses the motion would fail. This should wind up pretty quickly.
The triumph of Realpolitik. But you girls don't get to do that "shining city on a hill" shtick anymore. You've surrendered the right to invoke American ideals.
Bring the high crimes charges. In your own words.
Crickets for another two weeks? Or always.
Pretend lawyer.
We all know you have an irrelevant question pending. It makes you look stupid to anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of history and the Constitution. Fortunately for you, it plays well to a segment of the audience that frequents this bored.
You've been shown to be a clown show multiple times. Maybe attempting to parade yourself as uber intelligent and informed isn't the move.
What a bunch of Bull Crap spin. It was a tad more nefarious than that moron.
It omitted information. Another word for that is "incomplete". Did you know you can get a thesaurus online?
Is your Down Syndrome Day tree up yet?
Is the Gentle Giant still a murder victim moron?
The FISA warrant info presented by the FBI were more than incomplete. They misrepresented information to the FISA court they knew was bogus. They lied and committed fraud maybe you could find that thesaurus for yourself asshole.
Maybe you could look up what the duties of any that any government official is obligated to when presenting a case to the FISA court.
But then you are ignorant on so many subjects you choose to post that many of us have come to expect it.
What a bunch of Bull Crap spin. It was a tad more nefarious than that moron.
It omitted information. Another word for that is "incomplete". Did you know you can get a thesaurus online?
Is your Down Syndrome Day tree up yet?
Is the Gentle Giant still a murder victim moron?
The FISA warrant info presented by the FBI were more than incomplete. They misrepresented them to the FISA court. They lied and committed fraud maybe you could find that thesaurus for yourself asshole. Maybe you could look up what the duties of any government official is obligated to when presenting a case to the FISA court. But then you are ignorant on so many subjects you choose to post that many of us have come to expect it.
The FISA warrant info presented by the FBI were more than incomplete. They misrepresented information to the FISA court they knew was bogus. They lied and committed fraud maybe you could find that thesaurus for yourself asshole.
Maybe you could look up what the duties of any that any government official is obligated to when presenting a case to the FISA court.
But then you are ignorant on so many subjects you choose to post that many of us have come to expect it.
Don't worry. There's no will to prosecute it.
The $1.5 million will have to do.
Good for you!
He's that good
I don't really want what you deserve though.