“The helicopter was once covered in black coating and adorned with a Nike logo and “Black Mamba” logo, Kobe’s personal brand, when it was used by Bryant to get to and from Los Angeles Lakers games. Photos show Bryant outside and inside of the helicopter in 2016 prior to one of his final games in the NBA.”
The rich never think they are going to die. JFK Jr? Kobe? Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, La Bamba, Patsy Cline, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Otis Redding, etc. They all have one thing in common: They all took off when they had no business being in the air.
The rich never think they are going to die. JFK Jr? Kobe? Buddy Holly, Big Bopper, La Bamba, Patsy Cline, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Otis Redding, etc. They all have one thing in common: They all took off when they had no business being in the air.
Some of the above weren't that rich. Certainly, not Kobe rich. But to you point, Bend, they were all in a god damned hurry and put their trust in shitty pilots.