I love that the talking point FOR this contradicts the talking point about how illegals don't make use of emergency rooms or cost tax payers money.
The cognitive dissonance here in California is something to behold. It's beyond even Orwellian double speak. They are true believers down here.
And Obamacare solved the ER problem anyway
Yes. We might as well give them insurance because “we are paying for it anyway” when the go to the ER for primary care. Remember that fucktarded argument? I wonder if that can be fact checked?
The prop says yeah and they get free healthcare if they are hurt while the citizen has to pay
I think the left is throwing this election.
The cognitive dissonance here in California is something to behold. It's beyond even Orwellian double speak. They are true believers down here.
Oh, wait. https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20170913/NEWS/170919951/emergency-room-visits-hit-all-time-high-during-aca-implementation
Everything then left touches turns to shit.