Have you ever witnessed a group of people who thrive on drama and contrived stage dives more than the rats in charge of impeachment?
The long and agonizing (oh the horror) walk from the House to the Senate. Slow and measured steps while looking all serious. Serious about an made up impeachment that the rats said they were going to do before Trump ever took office. An impeachment based upon an anonymous source that shitf has met but hasn't met.
Again, I couldn't stop laughing
Then I totally lost it when I saw that stretch had autographed 20 pens for souvenirs of the signing. She bravely gave away one to each "manager" and then kept the rest on the silver platter used to slow and serious walk the impeachment paper over to the Senate. Absolutely hilarious. Fucking souvenir pens...............
I have to ask, do you rats still fall for this shit? Scotti, owl (well, I know you do), cirrhossis, and the rest?
Then I watched "tingle running up my leg" blather on about how "reverential" stretch was and how this was like her giving a "sacramental" service to the American people. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK? "Reverential"? "Sacramental"? Absolutely hilarious to watch that asshat. We were dying laughing at my house.
I am astounded at how far left and corrupt the rats are. When you step back and watch the whole spectacle unfold (finally) last night with all its made up drama, you realize just how far they will go to control all of our lives and take away half of America's right to vote.
I hope this wakes the independent voter up and rats get their lying asses handed to them in November but if nothing else, another 4 years of Trump winning will work just so the drama queens can provide me more entertainment.
What a bunch of dishonest pussies rat leadership is and what a bunch of idiots rat goose steppers are. Both are an embarrassment to the world.
Solemn and somber
The dems have been like this for decades
How many times have we heard the lies about Trump being a racist, a traitor, blah blah blah. One guy from South Carolina rightfully and correctly called BO a liar and the meltdown on the left was instant and took up a weeks worth of liberal time for condemnation.
you do realize ... Trump is a president and most presidents don't twitter troll people ... Trump should be held to a higher standard than some POS Rep.
That's a bullshit excuse for bidness as usual
Obama did call Kanye a jackass, among other tidbits. But he was a tough liberal and would say it to your face!
Trumps tweets because there is only one news network that will look at the other side and that is FOX. How the hell else is the man going to get a message out? The latest research shows over 91% negative news about Trump and they ignore anything positive that is happening to this country. I don't blame him. The funny thing about tweeting is, Trump is using a lib owned and invented communication source against them. It kills them and if they could they would shut him down but they can't without huge blow back.
The statement about Mexicans is also a lie.
Quite a twofer.
He burns the lungs down with the truth at every turn. Drives them mad and purple see the media bias as never before. That's getting trump votes. People are tired of Washington Bullshit.
And I can only imagine Grandpa Sankey's pain.
JFC. Are you new?