So? I would have done just about anything to avoid that fucking mess. The smart ones did. Like Clinton and Bush. Fuck Vietnam. No god damn way would I have gone to that misguided fucked up piece of shit.
I like him and he was indeed a Democrat. But he wasn't a communist so he switched parties.
Good to know you like draft dodgers.
I like draft dodgers. No matter the party.
Who would go to an immoral war? Draft dodging was the right thing to in Vietnam. I know many. Millions for college deferments. Millions got family deferments. And millions went to college or had kids for the sole reason of dodging the draft.
Bringing this up proves how desperate the Democrat lackeys really are. Bill Clinton euthanized dodging Vietnam as a campaign issue in 1992, but here's dipshit MBT dragging it's corpse out of the rubbish bin almost 30 years later, trying to bring it back to life. No wonder you lost to the Orange Man. You wouldn't recognize a an engaging campaign issue if it sat on the end of your nose. Good luck, Chump.
Chinteresting revelation.
But that's why I didn't vote for him.
he must have doctored the paper work - glad he be in prison
Who would go to an immoral war? Draft dodging was the right thing to in Vietnam. I know many. Millions for college deferments. Millions got family deferments. And millions went to college or had kids for the sole reason of dodging the draft.
You seem to suck at history.