Speaking of being Putin's bitches - He heartily endorses the Nude Green Eel. Russia, the Chicoms and Iran all hoping for a dem president in 2020.
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/vladimir-putin-endorses-2020-democrats-energy-policyVladimir Putin endorses 2020 Democrats energy policy
by Tom Rogan
November 26, 2019 04:29 PM
Last week, Vladimir Putin threw his support behind the major 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. At least, he did so on energy policy.
Speaking at a Moscow business forum, the Russian president echoed Sens. Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.
"The fact is that today's technologies of shale oil and shale gas production are, without any exaggeration, barbaric and bad for the environment," Putin said. "In some areas of shale oil production, people get black slurry instead of tap water in their homes. We will never use such production technology, no matter how lucrative it may be."
Like most of the time, Putin is lying here. There is no evidence that shale extraction, properly regulated, is more risky to public health than other conventional energy extraction methods. And no one is getting "black slurry" out of their tap.
But the lie is part of Putin's campaign — backed by ample political meddling and Russian cash — to undercut fracking in Europe and in the United States. Putin opposes fracking because it is putting a global price ceiling on Russian energy exports and giving Europe a new measure of independence from Russian energy.
That puts Putin in undeniable alignment with top Democrats. You know, the same Democrats who otherwise claim that they will oppose the Russian leader if elected president. On this, they will do his bidding. Like Putin, Democrats allege that fracking hurts the environment and undercuts green energy jobs. As noted, the first claim is false. And the second claim is also a lie: Green jobs are economically noncompetitive absent generous subsidies.
As with Putin's statements last week, there's another truth which Democrats should heed: In pushing their hard-line anti-energy stance, they are playing right into the hands of America's second-most powerful adversary.
His country is funded with oil money. USA! production and oil independence keeps the price per barrel down.
Basic supply and demand. And civics.