You rat drama queen bitches have cried wolf so many times, you can't tell reality from fiction anymore. I mean wow! Your latest melt down over fiction is this claim we are going to die due to a wholly made up "war" Trump started when he killed a terrorist.
The list of over reactions, outright lies and dead wrong prognostications goes on for pages and pages. The list of lies and the resulting rat drama queen fainting and histrionics concerning the environment can fill up a 1000 pages. Its like you drama queens never learn that you are being played by your elitist rat leaders. Amazingly enough, your environmental disaster drama has been going on since the 70's and you have nothing to show for it. Nothing. The latest prognostication/lie is that the world is ending in 11 years. That lie was stated as fact by one of your leaders a year ago.
Trump was going to ruin the economy (that idiot is still employed by the NYT)
Trump is a racist
Trump was starving and abusing children at the border
Trump colluded with Russia (while ignoring the real collusion by The Bitch)
Kavanaugh raped a woman
Ukraine drama queen reactions while ignoring Bidens quid pro quo to protect his son
A recession is just around the corner
This is BO's economy
The list goes on and on. You are on the wrong side of reality.......... a lot.
Your leaders are treating you like punk ass bitches. They wind you up and you mindlessly go out and protest and spread the untruth in an effort to turn it into reality in peoples minds.
Don't you ever get tired of this shit never coming true?
The findings will prove humiliating to the Bush administration, which has repeatedly denied that climate change even exists. Experts said that they will also make unsettling reading for a President who has insisted national defence is a priority.
It was humiliating I tell you, just humiliating.............FFS
Through climate change, all things are possible.
Imagine getting this far and then just quitting.