What a nutjob. You just can’t make these leftist ignorant buffoon reply’s up. Serious cool aid drinker extraordinaire and pusillanimous hypocrite. Hey hypocrite were you all over Oboner when he assasinated an American citizen and his son with a targeted drone strike?😂😂😂
“ The most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice. In September 2011, it killed US citizen Anwar Awlaki in a drone strike in Yemen, along with US citizen Samir Khan, and then, in circumstances that are still unexplained, two weeks later killed Awlaki's 16-year-old American son Abdulrahman with a separate drone strike in Yemen.
Since then, senior Obama officials including Attorney General Eric Holder and John Brennan, Obama's top terrorism adviser and his current nominee to lead the CIA, have explicitly argued that the president is and should be vested with this power. Meanwhile, a Washington Post article from October reported that the administration is formally institutionalizing this president's power to decide who dies under the Orwellian title "disposition matrix".
When the New York Times back in April, 2010 first confirmed the existence of Obama's hit list, it made clear just what an extremist power this is, noting: "It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing." The NYT quoted a Bush intelligence official as saying "he did not know of any American who was approved for targeted killing under the former president". When the existence of Obama's hit list was first reported several months earlier by the Washington Post's Dana Priest, she wrote that the "list includes three Americans".
What a nutjob. You just can’t make these leftist ignorant buffoon reply’s up. Serious cool aid drinker extraordinaire and pusillanimous hypocrite. Hey hypocrite were you all over Oboner when he assasinated an American citizen and his son with a targeted drone strike?😂😂😂
From being salty about Hunter for some reason. To lies about Obama. You are really on a roll tonight. Did a liberal piss in your Cheerios tonight?
“ In his speech, Holder was clear and unambiguous on only one point: "The president may use force abroad against a senior operational leader of a foreign terrorist organization with which the United States is at war — even if that individual happens to be a U.S. citizen." The use of the word "abroad" is interesting because senior administration officials have previously asserted that the president may kill an American anywhere and anytime, including within the United States. Holder’s speech does not materially limit that claimed authority, but stressed that "our legal authority is not limited to the battlefields in Afghanistan." He might as well have stopped at "limited" because the administration has refused to accept any limitations on this claimed inherent power.
“ In his speech, Holder was clear and unambiguous on only one point: "The president may use force abroad against a senior operational leader of a foreign terrorist organization with which the United States is at war — even if that individual happens to be a U.S. citizen." The use of the word "abroad" is interesting because senior administration officials have previously asserted that the president may kill an American anywhere and anytime, including within the United States. Holder’s speech does not materially limit that claimed authority, but stressed that "our legal authority is not limited to the battlefields in Afghanistan." He might as well have stopped at "limited" because the administration has refused to accept any limitations on this claimed inherent power.
Libs on this forum are such ignorant morons they are incapable of distinguishing lies from truth, they are veracity challenged. They live in their world of make believe and they just keep lapping up the cool-aid.😂😂😂😂
Libs on this forum are such ignorant morons they are incapable of distinguishing lies from truth, they are veracity challenged. They live in their world of make believe and they just keep lapping up the cool-aid.😂😂😂😂
Libs on this forum are such ignorant morons they are incapable of distinguishing lies from truth, they are veracity challenged. They live in their world of make believe and they just keep lapping up the cool-aid.😂😂😂😂
They know the difference but choose to embrace the lies because it fits their narrative.
Have no problem with this one. You leave the US to join the enemy on the battlefield, you are a legitimate target. The Constitution isn't a suicide pact. This has no impact on the fact that the cokehead son and his dad are both a POS.
Listen, fat ass...err, fat, who could do more pushups? Hunter impersonating his dead brother while fucking his dead brother's wife, or Joe Biden sniffing a child?
What about Hunter after smoking a gram of crack versus Joe bragging about firing someone for investigating his son?
“ The most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in practice. In September 2011, it killed US citizen Anwar Awlaki in a drone strike in Yemen, along with US citizen Samir Khan, and then, in circumstances that are still unexplained, two weeks later killed Awlaki's 16-year-old American son Abdulrahman with a separate drone strike in Yemen.
Since then, senior Obama officials including Attorney General Eric Holder and John Brennan, Obama's top terrorism adviser and his current nominee to lead the CIA, have explicitly argued that the president is and should be vested with this power. Meanwhile, a Washington Post article from October reported that the administration is formally institutionalizing this president's power to decide who dies under the Orwellian title "disposition matrix".
When the New York Times back in April, 2010 first confirmed the existence of Obama's hit list, it made clear just what an extremist power this is, noting: "It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing." The NYT quoted a Bush intelligence official as saying "he did not know of any American who was approved for targeted killing under the former president". When the existence of Obama's hit list was first reported several months earlier by the Washington Post's Dana Priest, she wrote that the "list includes three Americans".
“It’s an act of war, if they do, and they yield their sovereignty. Wiretaps won’t change that,” says a slightly less sleepy version of Biden.
“And so the United States does what?” asks ABC’s Sam Donaldson.
To which Biden responds “It could take whatever action it deeps appropriate.”
“ In his speech, Holder was clear and unambiguous on only one point: "The president may use force abroad against a senior operational leader of a foreign terrorist organization with which the United States is at war — even if that individual happens to be a U.S. citizen." The use of the word "abroad" is interesting because senior administration officials have previously asserted that the president may kill an American anywhere and anytime, including within the United States. Holder’s speech does not materially limit that claimed authority, but stressed that "our legal authority is not limited to the battlefields in Afghanistan." He might as well have stopped at "limited" because the administration has refused to accept any limitations on this claimed inherent power.
(Yes you are a bright one)
What about Hunter after smoking a gram of crack versus Joe bragging about firing someone for investigating his son?
Democrats...youre all fucking clowns
Nice try, MBT. How's the dead hubby?