Never understood why Boise is the only major college football team in the nation that has a field in their color, “the blue turf.” Washington could have purple turf or Bama crimson turf, etc.
Don’t know if it’s FS or brilliant but having played football for years I’d say helps Boise a lot when at home blend in with the field while on defense and are use to it on offense wearing their home blue unis IMO.
I have PROOF and FACTS on my side. I challenge any disputes!
@PurpleJ listen my man, as I stated I wasn’t being rude yet here we are with your CAPS LOCK ON apparently that makes you feel better lol this wasn’t a question for you so thanks for your input but I’m still waiting for a response from the one who posted @wilburhookshand
I have PROOF and FACTS on my side. I challenge any disputes!
Don’t know if it’s FS or brilliant but having played football for years I’d say helps Boise a lot when at home blend in with the field while on defense and are use to it on offense wearing their home blue unis IMO. white are some of you?