The weird thing about the article is that it made it sound like Carol didn't know Chris Petersen. But when he was hired, Carol called them right away and had a fairly long conversation with Petersen's wife. But whatever, not a big deal.
The weird thing about the article is that it made it sound like Carol didn't know Chris Petersen. But when he was hired, Carol called them right away and had a fairly long conversation with Petersen's wife. But whatever, not a big deal.
well, it makes sense to me.
the Chris Petersen we hired was definitely the same Chris Petersen who just abruptly quit.
it hurts knowing the dawgfather's last season on earth was spent watching sark coach.
Or were they?
Now ask yourself why
the Chris Petersen we hired was definitely the same Chris Petersen who just abruptly quit.
People forget that UW shut him down with true and redshirt freshmen in the secondary
Not soft:
The raging white boys of Wisconsin and their 350 pound tailback against the Cubano tuff Oregon lads and their SEC line. Oh, the humanity
Say what you want about Petes bowl problem.
The last 3 years we played top 5 teams.
Thanks for conceeding. That Purdue team sucked.