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Is it fair to say the reason America is #22 in HS graduation rates..
Is because of minority population explosion? Most specifically black kids and their massive high school failure and dropout rates? Why should America suffer a black eye because blacks have no parenting and thus education discipline.
The rest of the world continues to laugh at us, but at least we can dunk basketballs and catch footballs.
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Im glad our forefathers worked so hard to build this great nation on education, hard work and redspect. All of which lie in the gook of the worlds shit pit. Its ok though, we have model cities like Detroit to hank our hats on.
Mexican Americans seem to value hard work, education and the family unit, Asians are a pristine model, most other nationalities value the American pie, what's wrong with that other 15% of the population?
Open your schoolbooks, study (if you dont get it secure a tutor) , take tests, go to college and get a job. That simple. But without a dad to make you study (census facts), of course graduation rates suffer. And if we could add a significant proportion of that 15% to our #''s, we wouldnt be #22 in the world in graduation rates.
Lets just blame racism instead of getting to the root of the problem. Here's a fact: There are no tests for dunking ability when it comes to graduation rates. Study you lazy motherfucking americans, both black and white. Basketball wont start your 401k. Why need that though when government will feed you for free, give you free medical and pay you for your 10 kids.
High school graduation rate at record high. Improvement across races.
How about a system where those who aren't college material are honestly told that and they are steered toward training and vocations where they can make a solid living and not pay an unreasonable amount for that training? Or we can have psychology majors start life with $100k in debt and no marketable skill and pound our fists on the table that college grads working at the fast food place are worth $15 an hour.
America's public education is a wayward shambles, but no more so than our Third World health care system that denies access to millions of citizens regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or education. And who but a semi-illiterate, voter ineligible society could come up with something as inane and useless as a U.S. Congress and (50) state legislatures?
What are gallery countries like Sweden, Japan, Germany, etc. really worth toward the advancement of human kind while America has wars to fight, terrorist to kill, and anarchy within our freedom loving borders to govern? When will Texas and a dozen other backward beggar states give us a break and secede? Are you feeling the enormity of America's brain-sapping powers yet?
Thank God we got in before the death panels take effect. Under Obamacare America will deny access to healthcare. Its called rationing