Who said that we can't drill our way to lower energy prices? Who said I would save $2500 on my healthcare? Trump has been great for working middle class workers. The workers you leftards hate.
Who said a Trillion $ stimulus package was going to create "shovel ready" jobs? The money disappeared and the impact on employment was nil. Who invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a buddies failed solar factory only to see it disappear in 6 months without so much as a signed promissory note?
I can do this all fucking day. The BO fuckups are legendary. A TRILLION just disappeared. Do you know how fucking business/real world stupid you have to be to do that?
That's a lie. Now please lie to us again that 95% of the jobs created were part time jobs.
Who said that we can't drill our way to lower energy prices? Who said I would save $2500 on my healthcare? Trump has been great for working middle class workers. The workers you leftards hate.
Who said a Trillion $ stimulus package was going to create "shovel ready" jobs? The money disappeared and the impact on employment was nil. Who invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a buddies failed solar factory only to see it disappear in 6 months without so much as a signed promissory note?
I can do this all fucking day. The BO fuckups are legendary. A TRILLION just disappeared. Do you know how fucking business/real world stupid you have to be to do that?
That's a lie. Now please lie to us again that 95% of the jobs created were part time jobs.
Is this where you repeat your lie and claim that majority of the Stimulus fraud consisted of tax cuts Owl? And why are you such a fucking Kunt when it comes to your claims about white privilege?
Who said that we can't drill our way to lower energy prices? Who said I would save $2500 on my healthcare? Trump has been great for working middle class workers. The workers you leftards hate.
Who said a Trillion $ stimulus package was going to create "shovel ready" jobs? The money disappeared and the impact on employment was nil. Who invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a buddies failed solar factory only to see it disappear in 6 months without so much as a signed promissory note?
I can do this all fucking day. The BO fuckups are legendary. A TRILLION just disappeared. Do you know how fucking business/real world stupid you have to be to do that?
That's a lie. Now please lie to us again that 95% of the jobs created were part time jobs.
As I recall Pelosi got 30 million for the marsh more and some sweet huge contracts for hubbies company.
Like a lot of people Trump is confusing impeachment with removal from office.
That's the point. Shouldn't we expect less confusion from the commander in chief?
People use "impeachment" as a short hand for removal from office. I don't expect Trump, a non-politician to use the term differently that most people use it.
Who said that we can't drill our way to lower energy prices? Who said I would save $2500 on my healthcare? Trump has been great for working middle class workers. The workers you leftards hate.
Who said a Trillion $ stimulus package was going to create "shovel ready" jobs? The money disappeared and the impact on employment was nil. Who invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a buddies failed solar factory only to see it disappear in 6 months without so much as a signed promissory note?
I can do this all fucking day. The BO fuckups are legendary. A TRILLION just disappeared. Do you know how fucking business/real world stupid you have to be to do that?
Actually the vast majority of that money was subject to audit. And had restrictions that the money be used to buy American goods and services. Liar.
This is all about the Constitution Race, and how no one is above the law. I know this from watching the MSM who are more concerned with objective facts than they are in pushing partisan information like that awful Fox News.
Who said that we can't drill our way to lower energy prices? Who said I would save $2500 on my healthcare? Trump has been great for working middle class workers. The workers you leftards hate.
Who said a Trillion $ stimulus package was going to create "shovel ready" jobs? The money disappeared and the impact on employment was nil. Who invested 500 million tax payer dollars into a buddies failed solar factory only to see it disappear in 6 months without so much as a signed promissory note?
I can do this all fucking day. The BO fuckups are legendary. A TRILLION just disappeared. Do you know how fucking business/real world stupid you have to be to do that?
That's a lie. Now please lie to us again that 95% of the jobs created were part time jobs.
Its easy for idiots to claim something is a lie without providing any facts at all to prove their accusation. Everything I said is true.
The 95% were temp jobs is a fact and I provided the facts. You just don't like the truth. You are like a little spoiled brat who wants his reward cookie even though he didn't make his bed like he was supposed to. Now run along owl and chase those parked cars.
It's funny how the top response from Trump and his leg humpers over his chinpeachment is to bring up Hillary.
Hillary didn't make him commit treason.
Let me ask a rat for the 20th time: Describe the treason you accuse him of. Please provide details and facts and not your FEELINGS. If you answer the question, you will be the first rat to do so after many tries.
Does her saying that somehow change the facts of what Trump did?
Now explain how this whole process isn't a waste of time and money, just like how the Clinton impeachment was a waste of time and money.
We both know Trump isn't going to be removed from office, just like we all knew Clinton wouldn't be removed. This whole thing screams of political maneuvering. Unfortunately for good old Nancy, it's not going the way she thought it would.
Does her saying that somehow change the facts of what Trump did?
Now explain how this whole process isn't a waste of time and money, just like how the Clinton impeachment was a waste of time and money.
We both know Trump isn't going to be removed from office, just like we all knew Clinton wouldn't be removed. This whole thing screams of political maneuvering. Unfortunately for good old Nancy, it's not going the way she thought it would.
I'm not sure if this is a waste of time and money yet. Trump's aids have not been allowed to testify. Currently Trump has been obstructing Justice.
Clinton should have been removed from office. He lied under oath. Not to mention he coerced witnesses to lie under oath.
It's funny how the top response from Trump and his leg humpers over his chinpeachment is to bring up Hillary.
Hillary didn't make him commit treason.
Let me ask a rat for the 20th time: Describe the treason you accuse him of. Please provide details and facts and not your FEELINGS. If you answer the question, you will be the first rat to do so after many tries.
"Rat"? Whatever, I'm a centrist. I'll vote (D) or (R) based on the quality of the candidate, not based on the party they belong to. I voted for Reagan.
Regardless, here is a Republican that is willing to explain how Trump committed treason.
Does her saying that somehow change the facts of what Trump did?
Now explain how this whole process isn't a waste of time and money, just like how the Clinton impeachment was a waste of time and money.
We both know Trump isn't going to be removed from office, just like we all knew Clinton wouldn't be removed. This whole thing screams of political maneuvering. Unfortunately for good old Nancy, it's not going the way she thought it would.
I'm not sure if this is a waste of time and money yet. Trump's aids have not been allowed to testify. Currently Trump has been obstructing Justice.
Clinton should have been removed from office. He lied under oath. Not to mention he coerced witnesses to lie under oath.
Trump being Trump. Film at 11
Does that make him stupid? NOC he's winning
Hillary didn't make him commit treason.
The 95% were temp jobs is a fact and I provided the facts. You just don't like the truth. You are like a little spoiled brat who wants his reward cookie even though he didn't make his bed like he was supposed to. Now run along owl and chase those parked cars.
We both know Trump isn't going to be removed from office, just like we all knew Clinton wouldn't be removed. This whole thing screams of political maneuvering. Unfortunately for good old Nancy, it's not going the way she thought it would.
Clinton should have been removed from office. He lied under oath. Not to mention he coerced witnesses to lie under oath.
Regardless, here is a Republican that is willing to explain how Trump committed treason.