And I was embarrassed to attend the Cactus and Heart of Dallas Bowl.
Nevada is a dump.
The only time I have ever been to a shit bowl was 1996 in San Diego. And that was only because we were down there for winter training camp and Baabs gave us tickets the day of. Fucking Lambo. Fuck off @puppylove_sugarsteel
Comments Boyd Stadium, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America&endDate=12/22/2019&lang=1033&mctc=&needUTF8Decode=true&regionId=501486&rfrr=TG.LP.SrchWzd.Hotel&rooms=1&sort=DISTANCE&star=&startDate=12/20/2019&storedCheckinField=&storedCheckoutField=&theme=
That said, under no circumstances should you be spending your own money to attend this fuck show of a bowl game.
How do i worse seats 28 years later? I’m still shocked
Fuck that fucking burnout.
Pre game party at Club 2100
2100 Fremont St
Las Vegas, NV 89101
United States
Nevada is a dump.