The handshake by MWestingham and Meat at the end of the CCG was a bigger tell than the all conference voting.
I thought I saw that. What was that about?
WTF does Loserham possibly care about a second year coach in the Northern division? Serious Q.
He can't possibly view Crisco as a rival for Utah talent. Crisco has, and will, wipe his ass recruiting, even in his own backyard. Witty should just recruit more realistically and not hold a grudge.
I mean, this is pretty simple: Utah is Utah. Despite the head start Urban Meyer tried to give them years back, they've reverted to the mean. Exhibit A: a second year coach with little HC experience, taking over as the third HC in as many years of a program that was as close to broken as you can get, wiped his ass schematically and athletically in the conference championship game with the best Utah team he's assembled.
If that doesn't tell you who you really are, then nothing will. Has little to do with Oregon or Mario and everything to do with Utah. They are what they are.
I don't know but that was the coldest post game handshake I can remember.
I buy it. The all conference teams were a load of shit this year, and Oregon had more snubs than could possibly be explained by coincidence. Coaches clearly don't like Mario, which tells me he's probably a dirtbag on the recruiting trail.
A dirtbag who wins. I'm curious to see what unhinged Jimmy looks like and if he brings a similar swagger without being shackled by the politeness of Pete.
There is no "dirt bag" on the recruiting trail unless you're breaking the rules. People used to bitch about Rick N. playing cute with the rules and worked it right up to the edge of the letter of the law. I used to say, if you don't like it, rewrite the rules or get better at it yourself.
This is a big boy bidness. He did it at Miami, he did it at Rutgers and he did it at Bama. Mother fucker can recruit and everybody has always known that. Not once have I ever heard or read that he does anything outside the line of the rules.
The P12 has always been a whiny collection of pussies.
I buy it. The all conference teams were a load of shit this year, and Oregon had more snubs than could possibly be explained by coincidence. Coaches clearly don't like Mario, which tells me he's probably a dirtbag on the recruiting trail.
A dirtbag who wins. I'm curious to see what unhinged Jimmy looks like and if he brings a similar swagger without being shackled by the politeness of Pete.
Oregon with one OL on the first team and one on the second is crazy. Both Throckmorton and their center will be on NFL rosters next year. They got good push against everyone and Herbert was rarely pressured.
I did think UW got so many on there because of the coaches respect for Pete and the program.
It's official. @creepycoug is @Balls_Deep on Mario. Sink or swim, there's no going back now.
Uh, no rowboat. Check your coat ese.
I was right as rain on this shit a year ago, and have heard not one single "good call Creep." Fuck you guysms and the rowboat on which you came in.
What I AM hearing from a hot blonde intern is that we're? really excited for no-experience shit-talking Jimmy Lake Ballz. I'm hearing "there's a chance Creep!"
Face it. You assholes were duplicitous on this poont. I support you numbskulls 98.7% of the tim. Just fucking say it and I'll stop.
The comparison to Ballz is terrible, because where I'm right 98.7% of the tim, he's wrong 98.7% of the tim. Including on this one issue.
Take 10 minutes to reflect before hitting the keyboard.
Furthermore, @creepycoug I wasn't comparing you to Ballz. I was just saying you're balls deep in Mario love at the moment, which is fine. Miamuh should probably give him a call. He might be the guy to bring them back.
It's official. @creepycoug is @Balls_Deep on Mario. Sink or swim, there's no going back now.
Uh, no rowboat. Check your coat ese.
I was right as rain on this shit a year ago, and have heard not one single "good call Creep." Fuck you guysms and the rowboat on which you came in.
What I AM hearing from a hot blonde intern is that we're? really excited for no-experience shit-talking Jimmy Lake Ballz. I'm hearing "there's a chance Creep!"
Face it. You assholes were duplicitous on this poont. I support you numbskulls 98.7% of the tim. Just fucking say it and I'll stop.
The comparison to Ballz is terrible, because where I'm right 98.7% of the tim, he's wrong 98.7% of the tim. Including on this one issue.
Take 10 minutes to reflect before hitting the keyboard.
Furthermore, @creepycoug I wasn't comparing you to Ballz. I was just saying you're balls deep in Mario love at the moment, which is fine. Miamuh should probably give him a call. He might be the guy to bring them back.
You use "Ballz Deep" with caps around here and you are on your own rowboat.
It has been my experience over the many years of watching college football that being disliked by your opponents is a sure af sign you're doing it right.
On the other hand, long, awkward embraces at mid-field with the coach who just kicked your ass at home (hi Sark!) in a show of "class" usually means you're someone's bitch.
Cristobal is the COTY in the P12 and it's not even close.
Losingham has been at Ute for ever and still has not won jack shit. Crisco inherited a greasy ball of shit and scared Toothy Grin into retirement and just went in dry on Ute.
NOGAF about the all conference players. The lack of Oregon players only furthers Mario's cause. Turns out @BroadcastingDawg was talking out of his ass.
I was right about this over a year ago. Everyone knows it, even the Quooks. @Ballz is stumbling around the streets of Tacoma with a 40 mumbling my name. Cook it!
Oh look! A down vote from the poster who pledged to never read my posts.
I did think UW got so many on there because of the coaches respect for Pete and the program.
That's who he is
Ewatard gonna Ewatard I guess.
You want me to do that to you J? Keep it up.