The game when the band was getting new uniforms. The played the stripper song and took off their uniforms. The band members where all wearing wacky things underneath.
The game when the band was getting new uniforms. The played the stripper song and took off their uniforms. The band members where all wearing wacky things underneath.
Cool story
Remember the Wave on the northside BEFORE the second deck? I do. CSB
The game when the band was getting new uniforms. The played the stripper song and took off their uniforms. The band members where all wearing wacky things underneath.
Cool story
Remember the Wave on the northside BEFORE the second deck? I do. CSB
The game when the band was getting new uniforms. The played the stripper song and took off their uniforms. The band members where all wearing wacky things underneath.
Cool story
Not gonna lie, I will suck someone off for plane tickets. I’ll turn a quick score there and we’ll all be fat and happy on hookers and blow.