Why have the people stand on their own when you can enslave them instead. Right, Democrats?
I'm hoping we can cool the economy, get unemployment back up, get wages down so we can get Trump out of there. He's mean
Need to get gas prices up too. Here in California they just dipped under 4$ a gallon again. That's not going to help the poor. Need to be at 5 or 6 bucks a gallon minimum.
Because we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 70 years you nutjob. You want to see unemployment take another dip down? Means testing for full time/long term disability and welfare. You know, those two categories that just happened to skyrocket up to all time high's during BO's term in office?
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
Because we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 70 years you nutjob. You want to see unemployment take another dip down? Means testing for full time/long term disability and welfare. You know, those two categories that just happened to skyrocket up to all time high's during BO's term in office?
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
Because we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 70 years you nutjob. You want to see unemployment take another dip down? Means testing for full time/long term disability and welfare. You know, those two categories that just happened to skyrocket up to all time high's during BO's term in office?
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
Because we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 70 years you nutjob. You want to see unemployment take another dip down? Means testing for full time/long term disability and welfare. You know, those two categories that just happened to skyrocket up to all time high's during BO's term in office?
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
Because we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 70 years you nutjob. You want to see unemployment take another dip down? Means testing for full time/long term disability and welfare. You know, those two categories that just happened to skyrocket up to all time high's during BO's term in office?
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
The economy is doing reasonably okay given conditions. Suddenly sub 2% GDP growth isn’t a concern to “conservatives”. That’s what I suspected.
How's the rest of the world doing?
Mediocre. It wasn’t doing well in 2009 either, but I guess you only trot this question out when you think things reflect poorly on Daddy.
Trump has created 2X the amount of Full Time jobs compared to BO. So ask yourself HH, is 266,000 jobs with a great % being Full Time not good for any time? I also noticed where October and November were both adjusted up for employment which is a wonderful thing as well. And to think Trump is doing this all without the help of rats.
Say it again with me again HH and I want so hear it this time: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time" . The new slogan for those in the rat party who want to bitch about Trump and his economy. There is zero comparison. Trump wins hands down.
I don't think you want to talk about BO's jobs created while he was in office. Oh what the hell, lets discuss it. 95% of all BO's jobs created when he was in office were part time. Think about that.
Guess what else is a staggering statistic that proves the 95% number is accurate: Wages went down while BO was in office. Yeah thats right, say it along with me HH: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". Say it again buddy: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time". You libs love to chant slogans so I threw that in just for you......free of charge of course. I don't bill by the hour like you.
The best part of this 95% story? BO bragged about it and HH swallowed like an open throated Monica on her dream date with Bill.
Yet here you are poo pooing the economy that is doing so well. FFS counselor, get yourself together. You are tougher than that old TDS that is pushing you toward your lunacy.
Say it again with me again HH and I want so hear it this time: "Wages went down, 95% of new jobs were part time" . The new slogan for those in the rat party who want to bitch about Trump and his economy. There is zero comparison. Trump wins hands down.