How can anyone read this bored and not break out HCHs world famous “How is he not Sark?” as you all do the second anyone hires a coach who isn’t a dead faced, faux macho reincarnation of the dad you were scared to death of growing up.
Talks shit! loves the gayme! super personality! recruits will love him! passion to burn!
First order of business... Starting up his loud purple car.
You guys are a best. And it’s why I pay my $59.95 a month to be here! (Plus taxes and fees)
This is a fair point. I've already made it, but a fair point nonetheless.
There has been some good old fashioned HCH skepticism here today, and a whole lot of Doogie Doogie Doo!
Jimmy is about as black as the "black" kids on the team.
Its time to stop with this .01% = 100% black
This is a good thing because I saw a video on Ethan Garbers team and thought it was a remake of Leave it to Beaver. He plays on the whitest team i've ever seen. Jimmy may have to slowly bring Ethan into the fold and introduce him to brown and black people slowly to acclimate himself.
I predict a bunch of under thrown balls by Garbers in camp.
Jimmy is about as black as the "black" kids on the team.
Its time to stop with this .01% = 100% black
This is a good thing because I saw a video on Ethan Garbers team and thought it was a remake of Leave it to Beaver. He plays on the whitest team i've ever seen. Jimmy may have to slowly bring Ethan into the fold and introduce him to brown and black people slowly to acclimate himself.
I predict a bunch of under thrown balls by Garbers in camp.
Per Oregon’s last demographical study we precariously close to reaching our black quota on HCH. May need some Black on Black crime to thin the ranks a bit prior to next season. Or do we have any Law Enforcement members than can help out in this regard? We have a compendium of license plate Numbers to make the stop easy.
Jimmy is about as black as the "black" kids on the team.
Its time to stop with this .01% = 100% black
My understanding of the rule was always that;
If you are black and anything else you are black If you are anything else and white you are anything else
Which is why, when applying for college scholarships, when I was 81% sure that one of my ancestors probably raided one of @Swaye ancestors I checked a little box and got to raid @Swaye's people again, as my forefathers would have wanted.
We practice Hypodescent. This means if you are mixed with different races ..what you are is the most subservient race our of your mix which means @HoustonHusky is correct, anything mixed with black BLACK Y’all.
This is a good thing because I saw a video on Ethan Garbers team and thought it was a remake of Leave it to Beaver. He plays on the whitest
team i've ever seen. Jimmy may have to slowly bring Ethan into the fold and introduce him to brown and black people slowly to acclimate himself.
I predict a bunch of under thrown balls by Garbers in camp.
I’m Black Y’all
We may be exceeding reasonable amounts on HCH.
May need some Black on Black crime to thin the ranks a bit prior to next season. Or do we have any
Law Enforcement members than can help out in this regard? We have a compendium of license plate
Numbers to make the stop easy.
If you are black and anything else you are black
If you are anything else and white you are anything else
Which is why, when applying for college scholarships, when I was 81% sure that one of my ancestors probably raided one of @Swaye ancestors I checked a little box and got to raid @Swaye's people again, as my forefathers would have wanted.
Jimmy Montlake to the back of the bus.