the only time I ever use it for the Huskies is in the lack of Peterman wins vs. elite teams during this era. I think Sark beat more elite teams during a similar (years wise) tenure.
the only time I ever use it for the Huskies is in the lack of Peterman wins vs. elite teams during this era. I think Sark beat more elite teams during a similar tenure.
Oh ya Steve Sarkisian coaching against the likes of Urban Meyer and Nick Saban.
the only time I ever use it for the Huskies is in the lack of Peterman wins vs. elite teams during this era. I think Sark beat more elite teams during a similar (years wise) tenure.
the only time I ever use it for the Huskies is in the lack of Peterman wins vs. elite teams during this era. I think Sark beat more elite teams during a similar (years wise) tenure.
Sark sucked. Peterman hasn't beaten anyone really of note, considering.
the only time I ever use it for the Huskies is in the lack of Peterman wins vs. elite teams during this era. I think Sark beat more elite teams during a similar (years wise) tenure.
Same beat Carroll and a terrible back up QB and he beat a good Stanford team that was playing the wrong QB. That’s it.
You know who else could throw far and hard?
What I'm hearing is that we have a shortage of alphas and Pete is too stubborn. Fix this and 2022 will be special.