Since nobody buys the global warming bullshit anymore, now the buzzword is "climate change". That way it can encompass anything that fits the agenda.
The term was changed because people that don't understand science would say things like "global warming??? then why is it snowing????". In reality the term used to describe it only something a fool would think matters.
Since nobody buys the global warming bullshit anymore, now the buzzword is "climate change". That way it can encompass anything that fits the agenda.
The term was changed because people that don't understand science would say things like "global warming??? then why is it snowing????". In reality the term used to describe it only something a fool would think matters.
Hmmmm...... This sounds like something TheKobeStopper would say.
Since nobody buys the global warming bullshit anymore, now the buzzword is "climate change". That way it can encompass anything that fits the agenda.
The term was changed because people that don't understand science would say things like "global warming??? then why is it snowing????". In reality the term used to describe it only something a fool would think matters.
Hmmmm...... This sounds like something TheKobeStopper would say.
Since nobody buys the global warming bullshit anymore, now the buzzword is "climate change". That way it can encompass anything that fits the agenda.
The term was changed because people that don't understand science would say things like "global warming??? then why is it snowing????". In reality the term used to describe it only something a fool would think matters.
Hmmmm...... This sounds like something TheKobeStopper would say.
Since nobody buys the global warming bullshit anymore, now the buzzword is "climate change". That way it can encompass anything that fits the agenda.
The term was changed because people that don't understand science would say things like "global warming??? then why is it snowing????". In reality the term used to describe it only something a fool would think matters.
The term changed because Al Gore was full of shit. They should have just renamed it to Manbearpig.
Legally speaking.
"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."