Did they call themselves democrats like they do here?
Kind of. They called themselves "socialists" like they do here.
Now we get to hear from rats how "socialist" doesn't mean what we think it does when nazi's say it. LOL!
They all deny that the Nazi's called themselves socialists.
As do you. Did you get your November welfare check from taxpayers yet?
Yes I did. Not welfare. I paid into it.
I'm not sure but I don't think mom's basement has a retirement plan. How about medical and dental?
You are a welfare leech fleecing the taxpayers thanks to your public employee union cronies and the corrupt politicians you elected.
Mommy leaches probably shouldn't talk to much on this subject.
Jfc. You are the poster child of trumpism.
Yeah I paid 9.5% of my salary into my retirement for my entire career. My employer also contributed per the contract.
I'm a leach.
Why do you lie about everything?
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) has approved new pension contribution rates for fiscal year 2017-18, including raising the employer contribution rate to 15.531% from 13.888%, and boosting the member contribution rate to 6.5% from 6%.
That's new not the same retirement I was under. Why are you stupid? Retirement benefits changed a number of years ago.
Why do you slack jawed envious faggots keep wanting to change the subject from your parties switch to Nazism?
So you are saying they changed the withholding to go down? Then back up in 17/18?
9.5% during my career. Went up to 12 or 12.5% just after I retired for those on the old plan like me.
So how's the Nazi swap going for you committed democrats?
America haters suck.
Do they all flip burgers or live in basements off their senior citizen parents?
Trying to nail down the demographics.
Yeah can't find anything to support that. You also don't pay into social security while on the pension.
I don't have to support shit. No I didn't but I have enough quarters. My pension doesn't apply to newer employees. They changed it around 2010 or 11. Newer employees don't have as good a deal. I already told you that.
Maybe you can negotiate a nice pension at DipShit Burger. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins. Sorry I was smarter than you and had a blast doing my job. Now you and the rest of the HondoMo's can......
Maybe you can negotiate a nice pension at DipShit Burger. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins. Sorry I was smarter than you and had a blast doing my job. Now you and the rest of the HondoMo's can......
Fuck off!