"You still waiting for Obama and Hillary to I to jail over the FISA abuse?"
What the fuck have you been drinking this early man? Your second sentence makes you look like a screaming Betty running around in circles with her hands waving wildly in the air. Barr runs the Senate? I think you're confused.
Answer the question. Barr is looking at the FISA abuse. I feel he's the attorney general. Is the Senate the only place to hold a trial?
Dude seriously pace yourself man. Multiple authorities are looking at the fraud which included FISA abuse. You can feel yourself for all I care. Barr is the AG and he has nothing to do with the Senate trial which will be run by Mitch McConnell if Nancy delivers for her base of freaks like you. The answer to your question is no. Neither Oboner nor Killary will go to jail.
Lol when will the left realize that eating their own is a shit strategy.
Honestly if I'm trump I'm paying women all day long to fabricate harassment scandals against dipshits like Schiff
Shiff looks like he rapes little boys and is repulsed by vagina.
And he’s going to impeach trump. Like a dog.
Yes, yes we all understand all 3 inches of your "manhood" will be fully stimulated as soon as stretch is forced to do that which she knows will hand the house to Trump in 2020. The Senate will put on a real trial and more RAT crimes will be exposed. Only fuctards freaks like you care.
Barr can investigate the Democrats all he wants now. You still waiting for Obama and Hillary to go to jail over the FISA abuse?