Your open borders immigration views are inherently racist, because open borders brings a greater level of destruction and poverty to black communities. It's cruel and needless. Especially considering that most of these immigrants are sending money that belongs in American pockets overseas, rewarding Latin American nations and incentivizing them to continue exporting human capital.
It's a racket you apparently profit from. You exploit them for the cheap labor, and they exploit America by funneling that money back to nations like Mexico and Venezuela, which has helped prop up the socialist/communist regimes in those countries.
Long story short, you're profiting from the destruction of black communities. And you're supporting socialist/communist regimes in Latin America at the same time. No wonder you so vigorously defend open borders and Latin America from criticism.
It's a racket you apparently profit from. You exploit them for the cheap labor, and they exploit America by funneling that money back to nations like Mexico and Venezuela, which has helped prop up the socialist/communist regimes in those countries.
Long story short, you're profiting from the destruction of black communities. And you're supporting socialist/communist regimes in Latin America at the same time. No wonder you so vigorously defend open borders and Latin America from criticism.