Since I'm working the drive up today and don't have tim, I wonder what Sark and Kiffin's win % was at SC. Just a wild guess, I think they are not much different than Helton's.
Since I'm working the drive up today and don't have tim, I wonder what Sark and Kiffin's win % was at SC. Just a wild guess, I think they are not much different than Helton's.
Helton is better than Petersen at this point and I'm sure other schools are now clamoring for Pete to stay
Yes they are CLAMORING
All Pete's got on him at this point is 2 pac titles vs 1. But the country legend was 7-2 in league this year just like our 7-2 last year. Furthermore, if Utah chokes SC can still win the Pac in theory.
Helton is a decent coach. Ive been impressed with how USC has done with 2nd and 3rd stringers at the most important positions
I am on the record as being a fan of Coker and DDY in spite of their fucktardedness sometimes. But my god, their takes on crystalballz and Helton have not aged well.
Since I'm working the drive up today and don't have tim, I wonder what Sark and Kiffin's win % was at SC. Just a wild guess, I think they are not much different than Helton's.
Kiffin was 58% in Pac games.
Sark was 58% as well.
Helton has been significantly better than both.
including non con, I got Kiffin 65% and Sark 67%. They were both 3-2 the year they were fired.
I'm not in the @FirePete boat yet but it bugs me when people (Baird) defend him with the all time winning % stat. Its like ok cool he lit up the MW for a while but what have you done here?
I'm not in the @FirePete boat yet but it bugs me when people (Baird) defend him with the all time winning % stat. Its like ok cool he lit up the MW for a while but what have you done here?
I'm not in the @FirePete boat yet but it bugs me when people (Baird) defend him with the all time winning % stat. Its like ok cool he lit up the MW for a while but what have you done here?
Sark was 58% as well.
Helton has been significantly better than both.
Yes they are CLAMORING
So I guess Helton is doing okay. He should STAY.