MikeDamone said:
So not “no one”. Good to know.2001400ex said:
Abolish ICE doesn't mean open borders. But nice work on finding a dude in Congress that wore a t-shirt.MikeDamone said:
“You can’t find a Democrat in Congress who wants open borders”2001400ex said:
But back to the original topic... “no one wants to abolish ICE”. - Hondo, 7/13/2018MikeDamone said:
Hi.2001400ex said:
Where? Use the search function.MikeDamone said:
We read it2001400ex said:
Link?MikeDamone said:
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize “noone” meant someone.2001400ex said:
When have I said there aren't Democrats that want to abolish ICE?dnc said:
So you admit that there are Democrats, in Congress, who want to abolish ice.2001400ex said:
What is your point? Fucktarded Democrats have a bill to abolish ice. That like 8 people will vote for. And Republicans want to waste their time making a political point rather than spending the time doing something actually good for the country. And you wonder why Congress approval rating is low.MikeDamone said:
Anyone want to take a stab at Hondo’s logical fallacy here? I’m going with red herring.2001400ex said:
The president also criticized German Prime Minister Angela Merkel and other European leaders for their countries' immigration laws.GrundleStiltzkin said:
Some fringe groups out here might consider borders unenforced to be open. Crazy, I know.2001400ex said:Yes idiots want to abolish ice. Where do you see anything about open borders?
"I think it's been bad for Europe. I know Europe very well and it's been tough," he said of immigration. "We've seen some terror attacks. I just think it's changing the culture and is very negative for Europe and Germany -- I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel, but it's hurt Germany and other parts of Europe.
He went on to lash out at immigration laws back home, too.
"We have very bad immigration laws," Trump said about American immigration policy. "We're doing very well considering the fact that we don't have immigration laws."
Maybe you would like to talk about the bill that would abolish ICE that “No one” wants to do? I was wondering if you’re stupid or a liar, but I settled on abundance.
Always nice when someone admits they were wrong.
Where does what you posted say that? I clearly said some Democrats want to abolish ICE. You can read that on their websites. (And I've said it's a fucktarded platform) But when you do, you can also read that abolishing ICE doesn't mean open borders. Just like I said in what you quoted.
Are you trolling or just that dumb?
Did you say that or not? You did. Shut the fuck up youfucking flip flopping lying piece of shit
Fun fact, I’m for open borders ..,,
And abolishing the welfare state
Where did I say I don’t support open boarders?
I support open boarders....... and abolishing the welfare state. Like I said.
And you’re too god damn stupid to understand what that means
All I did here was cite the Milton Friedman which summarizes his position on the topic.
The problem with Friedman - who I love in theory - is that politics after all is the art of the possible and the welfare state isn’t going away.
The reason I am in favor of pumping the breaks a bit on low skilled immigration (legal or illegal) is that we are making it way to easy for native born males to drop out of the labor force entirely. The okies could pick oranges in CA. So can these unemployed dole suckers. @creepycoug says they won’t do the shit jobs and he may well be right, but I say it’s worth a try. Cheap lawn care is great but a bunch of under employed guys in Aberdeen cost the tax payers a lot.
I know you're done responding to me, what with the ass kicking you received yesterday and all. But holy shit I've never seen you this effeminate in posture before. It's like a tuff guy in prison after he's been blasted in the ass a few hundred times.
You're fucking chicken is baked. You should just change your handle and start over.
Struggling and pressing badly.
And you've said you'd rather be around white people of European descent than those other people. You've said that 18 different ways and times.
So if I say I'd rather be around white people than around black people, what are people to conclude about me?
Maybe you try and deal with people as individuals.
You're a 'businessman' who wants open borders for the cheap labor, and you're rather hire immigrants who won't complain about living wages.
You want open borders for the cheap labor. You've lied about this, like you've lied about me saying that other races are inferior to whites. Your credibility is shot. What else have you been lying about?
I’d much rather have a hard working immigrant striving for the American dream than a piece of shit self entitled brat working for me. Like the dumb ass burger flippers who think they are owed a middle class lifestyle who aren’t willing to go get the skills for it.
I knew you were dumb, I just didn’t realize how dumb. A racist dumbfuck. You sound like David Duke.
You’re still too stupid to understand my position on borders. Yellow even laid it out for you and you still can’t figure it out. Idiot
That's different from having some trailer park-living POS from the Willamette Valley tell me, and them, that he doesn't want us here because we come from inferior cultures. Fuck him and anybody who defends him.
I'm now officially back to hating Oregon now.
1.) You are for open borders for cheap labor.
2.) You lied about this fact and denied it several times.
3.) You're a 'businessman' (allegedly) that hires people (allegedly).
4.) You don't want to pay a livable wage, and would rather hire immigrants over Americans because they won't complain about it. Seems racist to take advantage of people from other countries like that.
You don't allow for nuance in positions, so you won't be afforded any either.
You're a straight up, shit eating liar and it's been proven in this thread.
Still waiting for you to prove your lie that I said other races are inferior to whites.