5g is more of a threat to insect life than light pollution. It kills them. It seems like insects are virtually non-existent in Asian countries that utilize this sinister technology.
I feel like I missed the boat of orkin jokes when we had that 5 day grasshopper apocalypse here in Vegas a couple months back
So light pollution didn't effect grasshoppers in Vegas. Good to know.
How very scientific of you.
Do you know of anywhere with mote light pollution? HTH
Thanks for doing your due diligence and reading a post on HCH to become an expert on the subject matter. JFC
Yeah the first study. So where is the baseline to determine we're all gonna die if this is the first study? Since there are supposedly millions of species we don't know about how are they able to say they're all dying off too?
#mydevils #hailsatan
By eating BBQ crickets at Pink Cell Phone Field.