In a lengthy opening statement, Volker said he didn't have any problem with pushing Ukraine to open an investigation into Burisma or corruption. “It has long been U.S. policy under multiple administrations to urge Ukraine to investigate and fight internal corruption,” Volker said.
There is more evidence of Ukraine interfering for the Democrats than there is of Russia collusion
Who cares what these career hacks think? Couldn't get real jobs like most of the losers on team hondo
I’m just glad Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan had the opportunity to call their own witnesses like Volcker.
Fill is in on how someone other than a witness the dems wanted is on the list? Name?
MAGA potd
Couldn't answer. I already knew that.
Devin Nunes and his intelligence committee Republicans requested 8 witnesses. Volker is one of them you illiterate tax-payer leeching imbecile.
He was also on the dems list IIRC. Name a witness testifying that is not in the dems list. Should be easy.
You worthless basement dwelling retard.
Is the trial over? Has Schiff officially denied anyone? You guys threw a fit about something that hasn't happened yet. And will probably get your turn in the Senate.
There is more evidence of Ukraine interfering for the Democrats than there is of Russia collusion
Who cares what these career hacks think? Couldn't get real jobs like most of the losers on team hondo
I’m just glad Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan had the opportunity to call their own witnesses like Volcker.
Fill is in on how someone other than a witness the dems wanted is on the list? Name?
MAGA potd
Couldn't answer. I already knew that.
Devin Nunes and his intelligence committee Republicans requested 8 witnesses. Volker is one of them you illiterate tax-payer leeching imbecile.
He was also on the dems list IIRC. Name a witness testifying that is not in the dems list. Should be easy.
You worthless basement dwelling retard.
Is the trial over? Has Schiff officially denied anyone? You guys threw a fit about something that hasn't happened yet. And will probably get your turn in the Senate.
So Vindman doesn't know who the whistleblower is but if he reveals who he was in a room with that will reveal who the whistleblower is?
Lt. Col. Vindman to you. Active duty. Purple Heart. And what? Are you trying to speak Ukrainian?
Cirrohsis and his liberal buddies spit on returning soldiers and vets and now he wants to defend one for political points.
You were a liberal when the vets returned from Vietnam.
Yep but I respected the military. There were no negative thoughts or talk about military around my Uncles, two of which were in WWII the others Korea. Even then if I had ever seen a rat spitting on a member of the military it would have been my pleasure to kick their asses.
So you put the lie to your own generalization. Got it!
So Vindman doesn't know who the whistleblower is but if he reveals who he was in a room with that will reveal who the whistleblower is?
Lt. Col. Vindman to you. Active duty. Purple Heart. And what? Are you trying to speak Ukrainian?
Cirrohsis and his liberal buddies spit on returning soldiers and vets and now he wants to defend one for political points.
You were a liberal when the vets returned from Vietnam.
Yep but I respected the military. There were no negative thoughts or talk about military around my Uncles, two of which were in WWII the others Korea. Even then if I had ever seen a rat spitting on a member of the military it would have been my pleasure to kick their asses.
So you put the lie to your own generalization. Got it!
Are you posting drunk?
Not to side with H -but is there any other way to post?
Who cares what these career hacks think? Couldn't get real jobs like most of the losers on team hondo
Do you want to suck his dick too?
Team hondo lying again
Dialed in expert
Ty was coach of the year twice
You worthless basement dwelling retard.