They spent like a year creating the thing, launched it, then abondoned it, then relaunched it, now letting it rot on the vine. Bizarre business strategy.
A better forum format and website interface are not the root cause of the mediocre to poor response to this board that, in the beginning, held so much promise. The gentlemen who run this board are acknowledged as passionate experts but have allowed and fostered destructive negativity with no real constructive balance. All this does is run off those of us who, in principle, agree with most points made, but can't stomach the bitterness of angry negativity. Most positive statements made here are automatically referred to as "doogish" and those who post "doogish" statements are insulted and their posts discounted with a disdainful snobbishness. What does this do? It leaves five or six people here propping up each others negativity while the rest of us stop in from time to time to see if there is any improvement with content. Then we disappear off into the ether, disappointed again.
Admins must foster inclusion, ideas, debate, and constructive criticism. There has to be a balance. Otherwise, the gentlemen who run this website, as excellent as they can be, will not have a legitimate platform and will sink into the rubbish heap.
I want this place to be successful. Where are DataDawgs amazing graphics and stats? His content is positive, constructive, and may well have helped push Smalls back home. For all you negative people, remember this: just as much as smart, easy to understand stats presented with class and polish can pique the interest of a highly sought after recruit, continuous destructive bashing can have just the opposite effect. Whose to say a certain decommitted recruit's visit to ASU wasn't influenced, in part, by the destructive bludgeon that is Husky Twitter?
Do we deserve the best? Yes. Is this not a top city with a world class university? Yes. Should we be a perennial contender? Yes. Should we expect more than we are getting, right now? Yes. Are there issues with coaching and recruiting? Yes. Watching us lose the way we have this season is very painful. Changes must be made with our staff. I happen to believe Pete is no different than most of us 50+ year olds at the top of our profession. We got here because of pride, passion, goal oriented, and are results driven. At the same time, our pride can cause us to become oblivious to the obvious. This is where Pete is at right now. Unlike most posters left here on this board, I believe he is the right man for the job, he will right the ship, and will get us moving back in the right direction.
I challenge everyone here that feels the need to destroy: For every destructive post, come up with a constructive counterpoint.
A better forum format and website interface are not the root cause of the mediocre to poor response to this board that, in the beginning, held so much promise. The gentlemen who run this board are acknowledged as passionate experts but have allowed and fostered destructive negativity with no real constructive balance. All this does is run off those of us who, in principle, agree with most points made, but can't stomach the bitterness of angry negativity. Most positive statements made here are automatically referred to as "doogish" and those who post "doogish" statements are insulted and their posts discounted with a disdainful snobbishness. What does this do? It leaves five or six people here propping up each others negativity while the rest of us stop in from time to time to see if there is any improvement with content. Then we disappear off into the ether, disappointed again.
Admins must foster inclusion, ideas, debate, and constructive criticism. There has to be a balance. Otherwise, the gentlemen who run this website, as excellent as they can be, will not have a legitimate platform and will sink into the rubbish heap.
I want this place to be successful. Where are DataDawgs amazing graphics and stats? His content is positive, constructive, and may well have helped push Smalls back home. For all you negative people, remember this: just as much as smart, easy to understand stats presented with class and polish can pique the interest of a highly sought after recruit, continuous destructive bashing can have just the opposite effect. Whose to say a certain decommitted recruit's visit to ASU wasn't influenced, in part, by the destructive bludgeon that is Husky Twitter?
Do we deserve the best? Yes. Is this not a top city with a world class university? Yes. Should we be a perennial contender? Yes. Should we expect more than we are getting, right now? Yes. Are there issues with coaching and recruiting? Yes. Watching us lose the way we have this season is very painful. Changes must be made with our staff. I happen to believe Pete is no different than most of us 50+ year olds at the top of our profession. We got here because of pride, passion, goal oriented, and are results driven. At the same time, our pride can cause us to become oblivious to the obvious. This is where Pete is at right now. Unlike most posters left here on this board, I believe he is the right man for the job, he will right the ship, and will get us moving back in the right direction.
I challenge everyone here that feels the need to destroy: For every destructive post, come up with a constructive counterpoint.
A friend & a fellow Dawg fanatic sent me a screen shot of a Derek Johnson post (see attached.) I want to simply state that this post was utter DRIVEL. For someone who passes himself off as a “historian of Husky Football,” it was tantamount to the scurrilous, slanderous DRECK we expect from tabloid fiction writers!
The top ten highest paid coaches in college football were named recently - Pete is not one. Yet he has been rated by reputable college football magazines as high as the 4# coach in America.
I said before and will say again. We are not getting Saban or Dabo. The likelihood that Lake or Wilcox (who I love) will become the next Dabo or Saban are very, very low. Pete ain’t a placeholder!
We have a coach now who already ranks as one of the best coaches with 13.5 years under his belt. Already has 2 undefeated seasons and a CFB playoff “final four“ appearance.
Compare and Note: 1. Joe PATERNO 45 YEARS and 409 wins: 2 National Titles. 2. Bobby BOWDEN 33 YEARS 304 wins @ FSU 2 National Titles. 3. Frank BEAMER 34 YEARS 280 wins and 1 playoff appearance.
Reality Check: Pete enters his 15 HC year in ‘20. Assuming he coaches another 10 years and averages 9 wins/ssn, he will hit 240 wins/25 years. If he coaches 35 years he will hit 330 WINS. He already has 2 undefeated seasons and 1 CFB playoff appearance. 2 Titles in next 20 years - I see it.
I don‘t know how long Pete wants to coach, BUT if he wants to coach for 10-20 more years here, GREAT! If not, I hope he doesn’t leave b/c tabloid fiction writers felt the pathetic need to say how much smarter they are then people who have actually accomplished great things! GO HUSKIES!
Shit is going to get real in the next 40 years.
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Admins must foster inclusion, ideas, debate, and constructive criticism. There has to be a balance. Otherwise, the gentlemen who run this website, as excellent as they can be, will not have a legitimate platform and will sink into the rubbish heap.
I want this place to be successful. Where are DataDawgs amazing graphics and stats? His content is positive, constructive, and may well have helped push Smalls back home. For all you negative people, remember this: just as much as smart, easy to understand stats presented with class and polish can pique the interest of a highly sought after recruit, continuous destructive bashing can have just the opposite effect. Whose to say a certain decommitted recruit's visit to ASU wasn't influenced, in part, by the destructive bludgeon that is Husky Twitter?
Do we deserve the best? Yes. Is this not a top city with a world class university? Yes. Should we be a perennial contender? Yes. Should we expect more than we are getting, right now? Yes. Are there issues with coaching and recruiting? Yes. Watching us lose the way we have this season is very painful. Changes must be made with our staff. I happen to believe Pete is no different than most of us 50+ year olds at the top of our profession. We got here because of pride, passion, goal oriented, and are results driven. At the same time, our pride can cause us to become oblivious to the obvious. This is where Pete is at right now. Unlike most posters left here on this board, I believe he is the right man for the job, he will right the ship, and will get us moving back in the right direction.
I challenge everyone here that feels the need to destroy: For every destructive post, come up with a constructive counterpoint.
A friend & a fellow Dawg fanatic sent me a screen shot of a Derek Johnson post (see attached.) I want to simply state that this post was utter DRIVEL. For someone who passes himself off as a “historian of Husky Football,” it was tantamount to the scurrilous, slanderous DRECK we expect from tabloid fiction writers!
The top ten highest paid coaches in college football were named recently - Pete is not one. Yet he has been rated by reputable college football magazines as high as the 4# coach in America.
I said before and will say again. We are not getting Saban or Dabo. The likelihood that Lake or Wilcox (who I love) will become the next Dabo or Saban are very, very low. Pete ain’t a placeholder!
We have a coach now who already ranks as one of the best coaches with 13.5 years under his belt. Already has 2 undefeated seasons and a CFB playoff “final four“ appearance.
Compare and Note: 1. Joe PATERNO 45 YEARS and 409 wins: 2 National Titles. 2. Bobby BOWDEN 33 YEARS 304 wins @ FSU 2 National Titles. 3. Frank BEAMER 34 YEARS 280 wins and 1 playoff appearance.
Reality Check: Pete enters his 15 HC year in ‘20. Assuming he coaches another 10 years and averages 9 wins/ssn, he will hit 240 wins/25 years. If he coaches 35 years he will hit 330 WINS. He already has 2 undefeated seasons and 1 CFB playoff appearance. 2 Titles in next 20 years - I see it.
I don‘t know how long Pete wants to coach, BUT if he wants to coach for 10-20 more years here, GREAT! If not, I hope he doesn’t leave b/c tabloid fiction writers felt the pathetic need to say how much smarter they are then people who have actually accomplished great things! GO HUSKIES!