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SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter
edited November 2019 in Tug Tavern
President Donald Trump has relieved over 8,000 Veterans Affairs employees for failing their duty since becoming the president, according to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie.
“The standard is if you don’t live up to your oath if you don’t live up to the standards that our veterans expect, that you will be asked to leave,” Wilkie told reporters in a press conference on Friday. “This is a transformational moment in our history.”

Trump spoke about the importance of Veterans Affairs accountability in October, during a speech on health care at The Villages in Florida.

“Do you remember all of the bad stories that used to be about the VA?” he asked. “Now you don’t see that because they have accountability. We can fire bad people. We fired a tremendous number of really bad people that should’ve been fired years ago. I don’t like firing people, but I like firing people that don’t treat our vets great, that aren’t doing their job.”

Wilkie praised Trump for delivering the largest budget for the VA Department in its history and noted that the department in 2018 achieved the highest patient satisfaction rates in its history at 89.7 percent.

He also touted the success of the MISSION Act, allowing veterans the ability to have the choice to seek care in the private sector when Veterans Affairs could not give them the care that they needed.

“This puts veterans at the center of their healthcare decisions, not the institutional prerogatives of VA, but veterans,” he said.

They all talked about it, Bush, Obama the Sainted John McCain, Trump finally did something about the fucking deadwood at the VA.

