Why do I get the feeling that the first game where all phases of the Huskies (offense, defense and special teams) play for the entire game will be against the Cougs.
Just like the 2006 Apple Cup? <-----</p>
I was think more like the 2000, 1991 or 1990 Apple Cups.
Imagine caring about this, or anything cuog related
Imagine being a ballz/Passion level Doog that adds nothing but AIDS riddled baby batter to the board.
No one cares about your fucking dipshit school and your half ass football program, you stupid fucking dolt.
Go back to fagfarm.cuog and talk about how awesome it is that Oregon fans fly your faggot flag on College Gameday and jerk off over your second string QB in Jacksonville.
No one here, or anywhere, outside of your shitty fucking arm pit of a campus in rapesville gives a flying fuck.
You don’t care so much about the Cougs, that you are about to make your 5th post on a Coug thread.
@DerekJohnson. I do applaud your inclusivity of letting the developmentally disabled like Corky PJ post here. Bravo.
@DerekJohnson. I do applaud your inclusivity of letting the developmentally disabled like Corky PJ post here. Bravo.