Appears Hondo and IC think white supremacists are "fine people" as long as they shout down Trump Jr.
Why do you lie? All I'm doing is bringing this to your attention since I know your news sources won't report on it. When did I ever say either side were very fine people like your president did?
Can't access the article, but this Trump supporter says that anything the WAPO writes is garbage. If the 2.5 years of "Trump is guilty" Russian bullshit basket of lies they published wasn't enough to teach you right from wrong and lies from truth, it is you who has the problem and not Trump supporters.
The only difference is with Ukraine he got caught.
I don't have 22 minutes to watch the video. Care to give us the cliffs notes?
Watch the video. It doesn’t say what pawz thinks it says...not shocking I know...
Guess Who, you lying POS loser faggot? Where or where are those statements you had from Tulsi showing her soft spot for Assad, Parrot? You said you had them but never produced them, you lying POS. Let's have them. It's been over 3 weeks now, you lying POS Parrot. That's enough time even for a loser like yourself to muster up something, so let's see them.
To quote yore spiritual leader, "what difference does it make?"
Why would I waist my time to read anything you poasted? HondoFuckingStupid
@insinceredawg @2001400ex
Now make the world a better place and die.
The TDS is skrong with this one.