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Governor of Virginia Discusses Confiscating Guns in Stages after Dems Seize Control of the State

oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
edited November 2019 in Tug Tavern
The Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, who recently made headlines discussing how he supports the murder of infants post-birth, wasted no time in outlining how the party of the Ku Klux Klan plans to confiscate guns after seizing control the state.

Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam vows it's "a new day and a new landscape" in Virginia. He says when Democrats take over the state legislature for the first time in a generation at the start of the new year, passing gun violence prevention laws will be a top priority.

On the issue of banning assault weapons, Kelly asked Northam what he will do about the ones Virginians already possess. "Will you confiscate them?" Kelly asks.
"No ma'am, not at this stage," Northam said, "We're looking at banning the sales of assault weapons ... that would be what we would start with."

Northam, a former Army physician, said the eight bills he introduced in June are a starting point, adding "I'm sure there will be others introduced.

Virginia's other statewide-elected Democrats, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax and Attorney General Mark Herring were swept up in a cascade of scandals of their own. Fairfax was accused of sexual assault by two women. Herring also admitted he had worn blackface decades earlier. The saga threatened to topple all three men and cede control of the Governor's mansion to the Republican House Speaker. But all three Democrats weathered the storm, defied calls to step aside, and are now poised to oversee the most dramatic change in state gun laws in recent memory.

