Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in another thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
I'm not sure I've seen a more absurd social media post ... by anyone ... ever. And I used to spend time on a board frequented by a actual retarded woman from Mercer Island.
I actually did that once. Believe me, you don't want to see that one.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
Nonbinary folks are now the backbone of our democracy. Not the military. Not blacks. Not all those nasty job having taxpayers. Nonbinaries. Is it any wonder she is tanking in the polls? As much as APAG wants us to believe it, America isn't ready for and doesn't want this bullshit.
She better clean it up, or Biden will win. lulz
I told you fuckers Biden has a 100 percent chance of winning. And Donny has a 100 percent chance of beating him.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's more social democracy than socialism, but still, wealth transfer is wealth transfer.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
And sledog says hello.
Got it, it's Socialized medicine but it's not Socialism. It's healthcare that's paid for by the state but according to Hondo the stupid Kunt, it's not Socialism. And Bernie wants to "break up" ICE and the Border Patrol, but again, according to Hondo the lying Kunt, it's a lie to say Bernie wants to "dismantle" ICE and the Border Patrol.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's more social democracy than socialism, but still, wealth transfer is wealth transfer.
It’s state control of the largest segment of our economy (by employment). Nothing democratic about that. It’s statist, straight up.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
And sledog says hello.
Got it, it's Socialized medicine but it's not Socialism. It's healthcare that's paid for by the state but according to Hondo the stupid Kunt, it's not Socialism. And Bernie wants to "break up" ICE and the Border Patrol, but again, according to Hondo the lying Kunt, it's a lie to say Bernie wants to "dismantle" ICE and the Border Patrol.
Hondo has his own words and meanings for words.
It's just so god damned messy with the words these day. All the olds that love Trump love their Medicare but hate "socialism". So if the government is just picking up the tab, but doesn't control or own the means of production- i.e., docs and hospitals - is it really REAL socialism?
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
And sledog says hello.
Got it, it's Socialized medicine but it's not Socialism. It's healthcare that's paid for by the state but according to Hondo the stupid Kunt, it's not Socialism. And Bernie wants to "break up" ICE and the Border Patrol, but again, according to Hondo the lying Kunt, it's a lie to say Bernie wants to "dismantle" ICE and the Border Patrol.
Hondo has his own words and meanings for words.
It's just so god damned messy with the words these day. All the olds that love Trump love their Medicare but hate "socialism". So if the government is just picking up the tab, but doesn't control or own the means of production- i.e., docs and hospitals - is it really REAL socialism?
But it's not just government picking up the tab. It's government dictating what will be covered and how much you can charge,
There's no need to bastardize the language just to satisfy Hondo's dishonest dumbfuckery.
so·cial·ized med·i·cine
the provision of medical and hospital care for all by means of public funds.
Marx's concept of socialism follows from his concept of man. It should be clear by now that according to this concept, socialism is not a society of regimented, automatized individuals, regardless of whether there is equality of income or not, and regardless of whether they are well fed and well clad. It is not a society in which the individual is subordinated to the state, to the machine, to the bureaucracy. Even if the state as an "abstract capitalist" were the employer, even if "the entire social capital were united in the hands either of a single capitalist or a single capitalist corporation," [89] this would not be socialism. In fact, as Marx says quite clearly in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, "communism as such is not the aim of human development." What, then, is the aim? Quite clearly the aim of socialism is man. It is to create a form of production and an organization of society in which man can overcome alienation from his product, from his work, from his fellow man, from himself and from nature; in which he can return to himself and grasp the world with his own powers, thus becoming one with the world. Socialism for Marx was, as Paul Tillich put it, "a resistance movement against the destruction of love in social reality." [90] Marx expressed the aim of socialism with great clarity at the end of the third volume of Capital: "In fact, the realm of freedom does not commence until the point is passed where labor under the compulsion of necessity and of external utility is required. In the very nature of things it lies beyond the sphere of material production in the strict meaning of the term. Just as the savage must wrestle with nature, in order to satisfy his wants, in order to maintain his life and reproduce it, so civilized man has to do it, and he must do it in all forms of society and under all possible modes of production. With his development the realm of natural necessity expands, because his wants increase; but at the same time the forces of production increase, by which these wants are satisfied. The freedom in this field cannot consist of anything else but of the fact that socialized man, the associated producers, regulate their interchange with nature rationally, bring it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by some blind power; they accomplish their task with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most adequate to their human nature and most worthy of it. But it always remains a realm of necessity. Beyond it begins that development of human power, which is its own end, the true realm of freedom, which, however, can flourish only upon that realm of necessity as its basis." [91]
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
And sledog says hello.
Got it, it's Socialized medicine but it's not Socialism. It's healthcare that's paid for by the state but according to Hondo the stupid Kunt, it's not Socialism. And Bernie wants to "break up" ICE and the Border Patrol, but again, according to Hondo the lying Kunt, it's a lie to say Bernie wants to "dismantle" ICE and the Border Patrol.
Hondo has his own words and meanings for words.
Bob doesn't understand what "reassign those responsibilities" means. Idiot.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's more social democracy than socialism, but still, wealth transfer is wealth transfer.
It’s state control of the largest segment of our economy (by employment). Nothing democratic about that. It’s statist, straight up.
Is Medicare democratic or no? It was passed by duly elected members of Congress and signed into law by Johnson who won in landslide election. Americans by a huge margin favor it. This a flaw after all with democracy- the electorate can vote them selves generous benefits based on someone else's tax dollars.
Or pandering for votes? Since we don’t have a Democracy and no one person or group of people would be the “backbone” of it if we did, I’m going with pandering for votes. Maybe even using them as props.
Calling a representative republic a democracy is closer than calling Medicare for all a communism. HTH
Which no one did. Idiot.
People call Medicare for all socialism and communism here on a daily basis. You are doing it in sheet thread right now. And you don't even see it. Sad!
Medicare for all is Socialism. It is socialized medicine. Quote the person who called it Communism.
It's actually not socialism. Look up what socialism actually is. Look up the economies that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao had.
And sledog says hello.
Got it, it's Socialized medicine but it's not Socialism. It's healthcare that's paid for by the state but according to Hondo the stupid Kunt, it's not Socialism. And Bernie wants to "break up" ICE and the Border Patrol, but again, according to Hondo the lying Kunt, it's a lie to say Bernie wants to "dismantle" ICE and the Border Patrol.
Hondo has his own words and meanings for words.
It's just so god damned messy with the words these day. All the olds that love Trump love their Medicare but hate "socialism". So if the government is just picking up the tab, but doesn't control or own the means of production- i.e., docs and hospitals - is it really REAL socialism?
Who’s picking up the tab? Rhetorical question. The government does not pick up tabs. They confiscate revenue via taxes, borrow some more, and then spend it as they see fit.
And do you really mean to parse the control over means of production when the purse strings ultimately dictate such and in this case there will be only one purse?
Trans persons can determine their gender.
Liz can determine her race.
I'm surprised you guys are surprised.
And sledog says hello.
Hondo has his own words and meanings for words.
so·cial·ized med·i·cine
the provision of medical and hospital care for all by means of public funds.
Quite clearly the aim of socialism is man. It is to create a form of production and an organization of society in which man can overcome alienation from his product, from his work, from his fellow man, from himself and from nature; in which he can return to himself and grasp the world with his own powers, thus becoming one with the world. Socialism for Marx was, as Paul Tillich put it, "a resistance movement against the destruction of love in social reality." [90]
Marx expressed the aim of socialism with great clarity at the end of the third volume of Capital: "In fact, the realm of freedom does not commence until the point is passed where labor under the compulsion of necessity and of external utility is required. In the very nature of things it lies beyond the sphere of material production in the strict meaning of the term. Just as the savage must wrestle with nature, in order to satisfy his wants, in order to maintain his life and reproduce it, so civilized man has to do it, and he must do it in all forms of society and under all possible modes of production. With his development the realm of natural necessity expands, because his wants increase; but at the same time the forces of production increase, by which these wants are satisfied. The freedom in this field cannot consist of anything else but of the fact that socialized man, the associated producers, regulate their interchange with nature rationally, bring it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by some blind power; they accomplish their task with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most adequate to their human nature and most worthy of it. But it always remains a realm of necessity. Beyond it begins that development of human power, which is its own end, the true realm of freedom, which, however, can flourish only upon that realm of necessity as its basis." [91]
And do you really mean to parse the control over means of production when the purse strings ultimately dictate such and in this case there will be only one purse?