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Booker T. Washington quote

DerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 60,738 Founders Club
"I'm afraid there is a certain class of race problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out, they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public" --Booker T Washington


  • oregonblitzkrieg
    oregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    The democrats are the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • Bendintheriver
    Bendintheriver Member Posts: 5,565
    edited November 2019
    Putting racism front and center is one of the top three must have's for rat candidates during an election. They literally plan their speeches around generating the hatred. Don't believe me? Go listen to a rat candidates speech, any speech, see if you can hear the candidate say anything about opportunity in America. Opportunity that is theirs for the grabbing if they put in the hard work.

    You won't hear it. It hurts rats when they say anything good about opportunity, hard work, personal initiative, personal responsibility.

    I have done pre-speech research/scouting for both Republicans and democrats. Never during an election thank God but while they all were in office. The message is completely different. They get their power not by lifting the masses up, but by creating racial division, class envy and victim-hood. Those three are in every rat candidates speeches and it is unfortunate because they will destroy our country for power. Nothing is more destructive than generating hatred through a fake racism. The rats are experts.
  • TheKobeStopper
    TheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
    “He was a prop “ - Comrade Kobe
  • 2001400ex
    2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    Putting racism front and center is one of the top three must have's for rat candidates during an election. They literally plan their speeches around generating the hatred. Don't believe me? Go listen to a rat candidates speech, any speech, see if you can hear the candidate say anything about opportunity in America. Opportunity that is theirs for the grabbing if they put in the hard work.

    You won't hear it. It hurts rats when they say anything good about opportunity, hard work, personal initiative, personal responsibility.

    I have done pre-speech research/scouting for both Republicans and democrats. Never during an election thank God but while they all were in office. The message is completely different. They get their power not by lifting the masses up, but by creating racial division, class envy and victim-hood. Those three are in every rat candidates speeches and it is unfortunate because they will destroy our country for power. Nothing is more destructive than generating hatred through a fake racism. The rats are experts.

    Lol have you ever watched Trump's speeches?
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
    2001400ex said:

    Putting racism front and center is one of the top three must have's for rat candidates during an election. They literally plan their speeches around generating the hatred. Don't believe me? Go listen to a rat candidates speech, any speech, see if you can hear the candidate say anything about opportunity in America. Opportunity that is theirs for the grabbing if they put in the hard work.

    You won't hear it. It hurts rats when they say anything good about opportunity, hard work, personal initiative, personal responsibility.

    I have done pre-speech research/scouting for both Republicans and democrats. Never during an election thank God but while they all were in office. The message is completely different. They get their power not by lifting the masses up, but by creating racial division, class envy and victim-hood. Those three are in every rat candidates speeches and it is unfortunate because they will destroy our country for power. Nothing is more destructive than generating hatred through a fake racism. The rats are experts.

    Lol have you ever watched Trump's speeches?
    Pretty early for the but but but Trump! POTD. Yet there it is.
  • Southerndawg
    Southerndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,248 Founders Club

    2001400ex said:

    Putting racism front and center is one of the top three must have's for rat candidates during an election. They literally plan their speeches around generating the hatred. Don't believe me? Go listen to a rat candidates speech, any speech, see if you can hear the candidate say anything about opportunity in America. Opportunity that is theirs for the grabbing if they put in the hard work.

    You won't hear it. It hurts rats when they say anything good about opportunity, hard work, personal initiative, personal responsibility.

    I have done pre-speech research/scouting for both Republicans and democrats. Never during an election thank God but while they all were in office. The message is completely different. They get their power not by lifting the masses up, but by creating racial division, class envy and victim-hood. Those three are in every rat candidates speeches and it is unfortunate because they will destroy our country for power. Nothing is more destructive than generating hatred through a fake racism. The rats are experts.

    Lol have you ever watched Trump's speeches?
    Pretty early for the but but but Trump! POTD. Yet there it is.
    Can't fix HondoFS
  • Southerndawg
    Southerndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,248 Founders Club

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Fake news.
  • PurpleThrobber
    PurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,429
    edited November 2019

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    APAG going strong to the hoop with his patented no-historical context, omit the rest of the story one-liner. Throwing it down WITH AUTHORITY!

  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Flat-out lie.
  • Bendintheriver
    Bendintheriver Member Posts: 5,565

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Its no surprise that you rats think AA's are too stupid or lazy to know how to get ID to vote.
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
    SFGbob said:

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Flat-out lie.
    Sounds like you were educated before the internet - Komrade Kobe
  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Its no surprise that you rats think AA's are too stupid or lazy to know how to get ID to vote.
    Hondo believes that blacks and Hispanics aren't smart enough to compete with whites and Asians on equal footings. That's why he supports discriminating against Asians and whites on the basis of their skin color in order to assist the blacks and Hispanics that he thinks are intellectually inferior.

  • TheKobeStopper
    TheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Its no surprise that you rats think AA's are too stupid or lazy to know how to get ID to vote.
    I don’t think people that don’t have an ID are stupid or lazy.
  • TheKobeStopper
    TheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    APAG going strong to the hoop with his patented no-historical context, omit the rest of the story one-liner. Throwing it down WITH AUTHORITY!

    This is a fair assessment.
  • DerekJohnson
    DerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 60,738 Founders Club

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    You stated that you have been singled out, oppressed and persecuted by me on this website.

    And yet...

    You have called me racist several times
    You never donate to support the site
    You have never had one of your posts deleted
    You have never received a warning message from me

  • SFGbob
    SFGbob Member Posts: 31,923 Standard Supporter

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    Its no surprise that you rats think AA's are too stupid or lazy to know how to get ID to vote.
    I don’t think people that don’t have an ID are stupid or lazy.
    But you do believe that black people for some reason aren't able to secure a photo ID as easily as white people.

    It would be odd if you thought this because you believed that blacks were smarter and more industrious than whites.
  • MikeDamone
    MikeDamone Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 37,781 Swaye's Wigwam
    edited November 2019

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    You stated that you have been singled out, oppressed and persecuted by me on this website.

    And yet...

    You have called me racist several times
    You never donate to support the site
    You have never had one of your posts deleted
    You have never received a warning message from me

    Of course not. A communist would expect other people to pay for it (by force) and he gets to enjoy it for free. That’s how it works in his mind.

  • TheKobeStopper
    TheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959

    It’s no surprise that you’d quote someone that didn’t want blacks to have the right to vote.

    You stated that you have been singled out, oppressed and persecuted by me on this website.

    And yet...

    You have called me racist several times
    You never donate to support the site
    You have never had one of your posts deleted
    You have never received a warning message from me

    When you’re so fucking stupid that you don’t remember your own website comes with receipts.

    Keep lying about me you pathetic fucking loser.