"The View" co-host Joy Behar argued that Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as well as other 2020 Democratic contenders, should clear the way for former Vice President Joe Biden to grab the party's nomination.
"He has to go," Behar said of President Trump on Tuesday. "Who is going to get him out? And the answer is, at the moment, Joe Biden. So, all the rest of these people are, you know, just really they're just treading water as far as I'm concerned."
When co-host Abby Huntsman asked whether Behar's statement included Warren, Behar said it did.
Behar made the comments while discussing Biden's prospects in 2020 and noted that black Americans supported him. (tommy???)
"If there's one thing the black community knows -- and believes in -- it's winning and beating Trump," Behar said. "So, they're looking at the prize. They're saying, 'Listen, this guy has to get Trump out. Somebody's got to get him out --
he's killing people of color, he's killing immigrants, he's killing the environment, he's killing the rule of law.'" (possible articles of impeachment, you're welcome)
Her comments came after Warren started beating Biden in polling for key states. In Iowa, Warren enjoys a slight edge, with Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont battling for second place with South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who’s seen his poll numbers soar in recent weeks. The average of recent surveys from RealClearPolitics even shows Buttigieg narrowly holding the No. 2 slot over Biden.
And in New Hampshire, Warren enjoys the edge over Biden and Sanders, with Buttigieg in fourth place, according to the RCP average. In both states, Biden’s seen his numbers tumble since the summer.
No wonder team hondo is so reluctant to say who they are for as they melt down here daily about Trump
Some though, might be enjoying their record employment and wages.
Beher is a voice for minorities. They do need a white mouthpiece. Might as well be her.
Again, the left never sees individuals. The they see a group they call “people of color” and tell them how to think.
Show it for the nasty piece of worn out garbage that it is, and remind voters that Rats even stoop low enough to use it on each other. Rats don't care if it's true or not they just use it to smear people. Hell they even try and smear each other with it.
But she cares.
Bernie Sanders - Boomer
Loser gen if there ever was one
Stuck in the shadow of the Boomers. For ever
Most of our millennials seem to favor a boomer though. OK
fucking boomers always fucking up.
Silent gen is bullshit