What sensitive little entitled bitches. In life only real winners get praises. Loser eat shit. They are fucking losers, might as well get a taste of reality early
What sensitive little entitled bitches. In life only real winners get praises. Loser eat shit. They are fucking losers, might as well get a taste of reality early
Okay better and you won’t get bashed. Nobody gives a fuck how hard you work and that you’re grinding. That’s expected of a D1 athlete. If players suck or play bad, fans who really care will comment on it.
Okay better and you won’t get bashed. Nobody gives a fuck how hard you work and that you’re grinding. That’s expected of a D1 athlete. If players suck or play bad, fans who really care will comment on it.
Okay better and you won’t get bashed. Nobody gives a fuck how hard you work and that you’re grinding. That’s expected of a D1 athlete. If players suck or play bad, fans who really care will comment on it.
Yeah but cmon what is it really accomplishing? Wasn't Dennis the guy who said everything matters? Can't see how this moves the ball forward at all.
Okay better and you won’t get bashed. Nobody gives a fuck how hard you work and that you’re grinding. That’s expected of a D1 athlete. If players suck or play bad, fans who really care will comment on it.
Yeah but cmon what is it really accomplishing? Wasn't Dennis the guy who said everything matters? Can't see how this moves the ball forward at all.
In case you missed it @Dennis_DeYoung is a fucking hypocrite
Sounds like Dennis DeYoung is harming player morale, maybe harming on-field production just enough to maybe take away a touchdown, which would have made the difference in the Utah game. Hurts recruiting imo.
Sounds like Dennis DeYoung is harming player morale, maybe harming on-field production just enough to maybe take away a touchdown, which would have made the difference in the Utah game. Hurts recruiting imo.
Sounds like Dennis is the perfect type of guy to be the face/admin of a website focused on teenage high schoolers and UW football that tries to take itself more seriously than HHB or HHC.
What could possibly go wrong? Only positive outcomes.
What could possibly go wrong? Only positive outcomes.